High Elf best Elf

In what way exactly? Someone elses RP really doesn’t affect your own…

Yes you did. You choose to come in here and say what you said. You picked a fight.

Hey I’m Fenelon by the way. I am no stranger to people labeling me an anti, and I’m not saying you are with my words. I’m also no stranger to not getting what I want and instead having another community use my race to get what they want. (No shade on that, its just what happened. Hell most of them wanted a different AR in the first place.)

I’m just letting you know this isn’t worth your time to fight about. Its not going away. There isn’t a gain in fighting a bunch of people just enjoying their character options.

There is a gain in requesting to Blizzard what we want to see for void elves going forward, or to request half elves down the line, or even to want to have more races available as a toggle for Lightforged. I continue to request for more things for Blood Elves.

You do as you will of course, but I see little point in this.

And as for this?

Its the next logical step and I’ve already seen people trying for it as a result of folk directly telling them “you’re not a high elf, you’re a void elf, live with it.”

Its a silly argument anyways.

Either they’re rping high elves and its moot, or they’re a void elf that just isn’t as blue as the others.


Fen! Stop hiding behind a disguise :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::heart:

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I’m just using my one high elf here cause of the theme of the thread. lol

I’ll be back to Fenelon in every other thread… except a few… where I am not Fenelon…


Why Blizz didnt just put them in the game instead of all the bs they went through I’ll never understand.


I remember when Void Elves would “NEVER” get …

  • Normal Skin Tones

  • Normal Eye Colors

  • Tentacle Toggle

  • Normal Hair Colors including Blonde


Night elves still prettier.


Deligitimizing what little of the void elf story. Belittling the side effects of the void.

It does when ppl want to rewrite sn entire race with what they want when there is an established fan base that grew to enjoy the race for what it was.

I have not. Did I ask for void elves to have natural skin? No. Did I ask for then to have natural hair? No. Did I ask for the tentacles to have an off toggle? No. I think you need to ask who really started ticking off void elf fans. Because we certainly did not pick a fight with high elf fans. High elf fans did.

Then why did you came up to try to make a jab? Think twice before you post bud. Because that came off as an attack.

And they shouldn’t had.

And blizz wants to know why ppl are leaving.

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And here is the first hater

Here is what I replied to another of yours in another post, in which you ignored:

Its for “Gameplay”, under that context the Tauren would be paladins and not Sunwalkers, simply because the text under says “Paladins”.

Does it hurt so much to see people happy, really? I see you in all the posts related to void elves, It’s a battle you can’t win boy, so sad. Like it or not, people are happy with it.


I wonder if Blizzard will ever add High Elves into the game. Well you can always hope!

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I am now going to get myself Chili Cheese Fries today, thank you sir!

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of course. hehe


yer welcome!

a dwarf an elf combo is always nice.




cuz you say so? Void elves are one of the most plalyed AR even more than some core races why not giving them that alleria has?.

people aren’t leaving because of it


Nah it still says void elf

And Blood Elf still says Blood Elf :man_shrugging:


Well, yeah, I always need sidekicks

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You know I was originally against this but glad this pleases some players. Hopefully they’ll keep doing things that the players want.

Its nice to see High Elves somewhat back on the Alliance again.


For them?


But it’s okay. For the first time in awhile, I’m enjoying the game again. :partying_face:


That doesn’t affect a role play though. Nor does it change what void elves are in the lore currently.

Nothing has been rewritten.

In fact nothing has been written at all which is part of the problem in my eyes.

Void Elves deserve to know how they make more of them and to give context of these new options just as much as Blood Elves deserve to have unique options given to them, and hopefully something to balance out the subrace bit of void elves.

You literally came into this thread, and picked a fight with them.

Wasn’t an attack, I was saying what the end result would be of your own actions. It made no sense. You’ll just encourage folk to request a nameplate change with rhetoric like that.

Which will continue to devalue the void elves for what they are.

Once again, this is a weird thing to keep pushing. The logical result will be folk requesting a nameplate change.

Let folk enjoy their new options.