High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Yes, but didnt you say that non sunreavers were also imprisoned?

Yeah that pesky Horde/Sunreaver plan to destroy Theramore was all part of Jainas plan to get rid of them.


Pure political persecution!

(I also like to remember the blue dragons brutally murdered in a surprise coward attack in order to the Horde get its hands on the Focusing Iris.)


Since I didnā€™t see literally the entire Sunreaver population in that cinematic Iā€™m failing to see how itā€™s connected.

The Horde used the Sunreavers in the war. First, it was a Sunreaver that betrayed Rhonin and sabotaged Theramoreā€™s defenses, despite being sent there by Aethas himself as a token of friendship. His treason didnā€™t just destroy a whole city, it killed the Kirin Torā€™s leader.

Then it used again the Sunreavers to get past Jainaā€™s wards and steal a WMD.

And Aethas found about it and chose to stay silent, knowing full well of Jainaā€™s wrath if the Sunreaver involvement was found.

You canā€™t keep using the Sunreavers as moles and saboteurs and then not expect the group to suffer retaliation. Thereā€™s a breaking point to anyone, and Jainaā€™s was pretty damaged at that time.

Plus, the order was never to just kill them. It was to imprison them. The dead ones were collateral damage.

TOTALLY different from burning a whole country down or, at the time, destroying whole cities and towns with WMDs like the Horde was doing (Gilneas, Southshore, Theramore). You canā€™t keep doing that and say that the Alliance overreacted. Whole nations were at the stake.


People forget that in Theramore destruction we had Rhonin and many High Elves killed.

Seems like some people have not played Pandaria. Well, at least not the Alliance side, thatā€™s probably why they think weā€™re asking for Blood Elves since theyā€™re not aware of the High Elves scattered everywhere in the Alliance.


Never forget Theramore.

Bows head in quiet contemplation.


Vereesa and Shandris only escaped death then because they set out to track and capture the Sunreaver traitor (whose name escapes me).

Remember Theramore!

The Horde like to point to ā€œwarmongersā€ like Genn and Admiral Rogers in the Alliance, but forget said warmongers had become what they are because of their homelands utterly destroyed. Genn lost GIlneas and his son. Rogers was from Southshore. Jaina had Theramore utterly vanquished. And now Tyrandeā€¦

Itā€™s payback. Sins coming back to haunt you.


No, the Horde used some Sunreavers in the war.

What youā€™re defending is the collective punishment leading to the ethnic cleansing of an entire minority for the actions of a very small group of members of that minority.

Again, I will re-iterate, that is in the real world a very serious war crime and against the Geneva Convention. Iā€™ve been trying to avoid mentioning a certain political group who used that exact reasoning to excuse the greatest single act of human tragedy in history.

Likeā€¦in internment camps?

One group doing something horrific doesnā€™t make the other group justified in doing something horrific too.

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Putting the two actions in the same level is to dimish the crimes of the Horde. Sounds like Anduin trying to compare the Allianceā€™s ā€œsinsā€ with the Hordeā€™s.

You couldnā€™t fill the gap between the Alliance and the Horde even in a thousand years.


Youā€™re right. Theyā€™re not. One was an attack on a legitimate military target, the other was an attack on a civilian population.

It doesnā€™t matter. The Horde infiltrated the group and were using it for its own benefit, and the guy responsible to keep things in check chose to do nothing about it. ANd, when confronted, refused to leave the city, resulting in the Purge.

There were innocent Sunreavers. But the actions of the guilty ones tainted the whole group. You canā€™t take chances when you risk destruction of whole cities.

One was an order of utter destruction, facilitated by treason.

The other was an order to imprison a group that was being used by the enemy to cause said destruction. Civilians or not, they were traitors. You can sort innocent and guilty after everything is secured.

Plus, we know what the Horde did to Theramoreā€™s escaping civiliansā€¦


I feel like ā€œRemember Theramoreā€ is often said like a rallying cry. Its usually said by NPCā€™s grieving over a loss and wanting revenge on the people responsible.

Garrosh was the one responsible. Justice was served.

Never forget Theramore. Never forget the loss. Donā€™t let the same mistakes repeat.

My character wears the tabard to show his past. His loyalties. His sacrifices. His losses.

He has moved onā€¦ but he will never forget.


Yes it does.


On a legitimate military target that was told there would be extremely serious repercussions if they were used for military purposes.

The Sunreavers also knew there would be extremely serious repercussions if they were caught.

Itā€™s funny how the Horde starts wars and then cry foul when payback comes.


Pepperidge Farms knew.

Wait I got that meme wrong.

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Yes I will be making it.


Truly this brings a smile to my face for various and assorted reasons.

So much outrage over a valid military target.

Like Taurajo?


The Sunreavers didnā€™t do anything. A small handful of Sunreavers did.