High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

inb4 Master Shaw’s crush is Valeera and it turns out she has a thing for him too.


laughs in Teldrassil


Blood Elves worship Draenei too, but not in secret actually.


We’re gigantic, sea-faring badasses with some incredible lore, and several hundred years of isolation from mainlanders.

Much more different than the Elffields and Earcoys.

Haha, tree burn, very funny.

The gigantic and lore part are actually new inventions in BFA. Up until then they were yet another Light-worshipping human kingdom.


Is this actually what some people think?


It was a good split. Why should all humans, especially those who are geographically isolated, be the same?

It’s the truth. Despite some sheltered people going “Lol FAT HOOMANS HAHA.”

Fat people wish they had the bodies of Kul Tirans.

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“I can’t wrap my head around the notion that the people living for over a decade on one context are different than the people living on a different context”

Besides, no matter how many times we tell you the OBVIOUS differences between a Silvermoon Blood Elf and a Silver Covenant High Elf, you just dismiss them.

Like Ion, your own daddy, has said that high elves are assimilated into human culture at this point, and yet here you are, unable to see there are obvious differences between the group living on their homeland and the ones that have been expats on a human realm or a town or isolated in a forest.

Yes, and?

No, cause I’d like the fantasy of the High Elves on the Alliance, which is linked to their nature as expats assimilated into human culture. A thematic that Blood Elves don’t have.

Well, at the end of the day I could give you a long argument about that, but that’s the thing; it’s entirely subjective. As subjective as what the level of exclusivity can or should be, hence the notion of a modified model.


MmmMMM hunny b

The fact that you disregard the whole implicit segregation ideology and how that impacts her disdain on a group (HE) yet compliments the other (BE) should tell you enough of how their lifestyle context marks a huge difference, to be treated completely different.

“Void Elves CAN’T LOOK LIKE THAT! Well except Alleria, even if we can’t even make more Void Elves and we don’t actually know in what manner VE’s can replicate themelves, but still they have to look like the first batch despite them being born of an interrupted ritual”

And yet Void Elves! But let’s be real, the Silver Covenant is a whole dang faction of High Elves that have shown since WotLK and you call them “a few individuals” so be this evidence that you bias knows no limits.

High Elves being described as assimilated into human culture = living in Quel’thalas.

This is your logic.

As much as Void Elves can replicate the same exact botched ritual to end up halfway to ethereal


:frowning: I am so sorry. Please feel better soon.


Well, yeah, but not the face!


A double shot of Illy dark espresso and a protein shake.

Oh very nice. You adjusted their skeleton to look similar, yet ignore everything else seperating them.

It’s really only that different to helfers.

I didn’t know Locus Walker was training entire platoons of High Elves for centuries so they could drain an infinite supply of void naaru so they have the same appearance

What is there to be sorry about?

The face of a Kul Tiran is the face of a man. Stone breaks upon his mighty chin.


Can probably put Worgen there as well.


That’s, not a good place to talk about that…


ok. its obvious to everyone now you and fyor cant come up with anything so i will give you my points. i do not believe there is a cultural or thematic difference between high/blood elves. both use the same architecture. both dress pretty similar. both call their top mages nagisters. both conduct pilgrimages to the sunwell and hold it in reverence

the SC itself, something akin to a miltia, is loyal to the kirin tor(not the alliance like you fanfiction) and is set up to COPY the farstriders with veressa taking the title of ranger general, which is used by the farstrider leader. the ‘high’ elves feel like what they are, political refugees pining for the day their people are reunited

with the faction war over and a peace treaty signed that day seems closer then ever. alleria has already become the face of the alliance thalassian elves while vereesa will no doubt fade away in dalaran obscurity if she survives the 3 sisters narrative playing out atm

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“Since I don’t understand logic, I’ll just accuse someone of not knowing anything. That’ll do it.”


Yer right, that’s not even mentioned in the lore, it’s probably more of an urban legend.

I don’t think I’d care much for Kul Tiran if they didn’t have that more creepy flavor Druidism that I do admit I think is pretty cool.

Although I feel that aspect of them should have been what Worgen Druids were going with instead.


It’s literally their models with the same posture -using the same stand animation-

But to you, they still look different, unlike the edit, where they have different proportions too.

So it’s just about the ears then?

And, as per the actual thing I am saying, Elisande.

Nor did I know they found a way to replicate the same botched ritual that gave us half ethereal void elves.

But I guess that regular elves following Alleria’s steps and training in the void and siphoning a powerful entity as a “final” exam is just too unlikely, not like the idea of replicating a dangerous botched ritual?

Well glad someone likes it!

No fire, because you call that “headcanon” even when you are literally asking us for that.

Again, as literally stated by devs and Ion himself, High Elves have assimilated into human culture. That’s an obvious cultural difference, even if you don’t “believe” in it.

I shall not tell you then about the whole deal with Jerusalem then! Yikes!

I mean fire, that you keep calling the Alliance faction of the Silver Covenant “neutral” and accuse of fanfiction to anyone who corrects you, is just too baffling at this point to keep responding.

Again, the alliance exclusive SC faction is neutral according to you. Even if as far as 7.3 Vereesa was the alliance emmisary for our Argus mission.

Like, how.

In the meantime, they exist on a state of stasis, thus not changing?

Hey if the Thalassian Elves as a whole become neutral I would like that.


Now I’m pretty much convinced the Night Elf model would work. At least for the females.