High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Okay, but the fact that you have to explain all that to me really suggests that I’m not the problem.

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it was a toss up of fairer model or blonde. i went with blonde. with bangs. the fairer mock up, had different hair color


New game: take ALL of the elf models and give them the Blood Elf head and skin tone and line them all up together and they will all look “too similar” and some people won’t be able to tell them apart because they have the same skin!

Then swap Night Elves and Nightborne just enough that someone says “well that’s a Night Elf” but really it was a NB the whole time :see_no_evil: . Mwahahahaha


It just looks like a healthier blood elf to me.

Daddylendrion you’re still around!

P.S. Your VE looks smashing.


Let’s bear in mind that Nelves have a pale caucasian-like skin tone option as well here…hardly all blue.


Only female and even then it’s not that natural.

Also it’s not about being caucasian really. Only High (/Blood) Elves have natural skin tones whatever their shade.


That end result being what, precisely?


but they have hands the size of a large man and calves to match. female nelf hands are gigantic.


You know, I have to ask, what are you arguing against?

My point is that Blood Elves at the start of BC were okay with using fel as a power source, but that doesn’t mean fel siphoning was common.

Do you disagree with anything in there?

I’m asking if it’s not a matter of silhouette, then why is it a necessity.

Honestly I don’t disagree, but with each missed opportunity it just feels the ship is farther away and then what’s the point?

Like I’m okay with it happening, but like, when?

The question; the “Ask CDev” is a Q&A where the playerbase ask questions and the devs responds. How and Why are we arguing about the semantics of a question not even made by the devs? That’s the point.


It’s in what you just quoted.

that the desire for alliance ‘high’ elves is the desire to have access to a core horde race without being horde, which is unfair to the horde and unfair to the blood elves because, and there is no way around it, high elves are blood elves and the alliance ‘high’ elves you want are basically blood elves with a different political opinion :relaxed:

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Just BC?

Even in BFA we see magic addled Elves with fel crystals behind then.


It gives our race character.

Not all green crystals are fel crystals.

But are all fel crystals green?

not sure what you’re asking


If a fel crystal falls in the forest, but no one was around to tap it, was it really there?

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He’s implying that distinctions are not really a barrier to an allied race to begin with.

Blizzard can literally copy paste Blood Elves and give them unique hairstyles and eye colors and call it a day like they did for most of the allied races.

But of course cognitive dissonance abounds.