High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I dunno what to tell you fam. It’s the middle of the day and I’m on my lunch break so I’m about as on the ball as I’m going to be.

They looked the same to me.

I am honestly disgusted at the fact I have to bring up the quote, for like, the umpteenth time. It’s like I am dealing with a bunch of goldfish.

Warcraft encyclopedia, in the same passage as them being horrified at the deal “Draining magic from small mana-bearing vermin is a far cry from draining magic from demons.”.

Demons= fel energy=horrifying for the blood elves to imagine doing.

Micky Neilson also stated they were going to show that the blood elves would be able to tell the difference between arcane and fel to demonstrate they were abhorrent to the notion of draining fel.

They only drained arcane from living things, which is confirmed in quests, and shadows of the sun which was why those high elves were exiled because they wouldnt drain arcane from living beings.

Video games are not about morality, they are about design. It does not matter the philosophical notions of what is or is not right. Game design is about what works most effectively and what makes the game most appealing. These differences make one’s choices matter. When a player’s choices matter, their satisfaction grows.

What you believe is right or wrong has no place in game design.
There is only what creates the greater appeal, and unique differences make people feel good.

If he changes his mind and makes them playable on the alliane for some bizarre reason? I’d simply expect night elves on the Horde. :man_shrugging:

Honestly it would literally be the Classic model but higher def? Heheh.

That’s literally the “true extent of Kael’thas dealings with Illidan”

It’s you the one that is trying to retcon a moral spectrum were Blood Elves are just so against with fel they can’t even know it’s being used, versus the obvious notion that Blood Elves being okay with using a dirty power source is not BY A LONG SHOT being okay with serving demon masters.

Also, again, using fel power sources is just not the same than shooting it up.


Oh I forgot you’re in a different time zone. Maybe I’m drunk and I just don’t know it yet


Hello everyone! How is everyone doing!?

Because people are not stupid and know the difference in appearance before the armor comes on. Unlike this nonsensical fel argument, people generally remember things before and after.

Seriously, if we’re using this argument, then you don’t need high elves because you cant tell the difference with a void elf in armor on the alliance.
This argumet is dual edged.


Well I mean if you ignore the fact that it was Illidan who taught Kael to tap fel.

Which you know, makes more sense than completely changing subject midway through a sentence.

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Greetings, I am doing well. I’m hunkering for some garlic bread though


You know, we know it’s all about the skin, but, try to lie a bit more.

Also, a model clearly doesn’t work when you have to explain that much about how it was made and how different it is


If you get some, please share. I am hungry.


Honestly save yourself the fake outrage.

You are the one making a false equivalent between using Fel as a power source and LITERALLY SHOOTING IT UP FOR KICKS.

I don’t understand how for you those hold the same moral value; you are implementing an absolutist morality of fel usage based in nothing but your headcanon, and not supported by the lore.

And what does have to do with the Blood Elves as a whol using fel tainted batteries? Who knows, but you keep bringing it up because apparently for you every power source must also serve as a buffet, from a moral standpoint.

Okay, good for you I guess.

I’m asking if people can’t differentiate members of different races in full armor, then what is the necessity of differentiation at all. Necessity.

Which is cool by me, since I would have been okay with Void Elves if they had been made out of High Elves.

That ship sailed tho.

Tho I have to also mention that the semantic thread you are trying to unravel is on the Question -who we do not know who made- and not the Answer, that we actually know that the devs answered.

The fact that the person who made the question used a wording that could be misinterpretation has no bearing on the answer itself that doesn’t touch on it.


for some reason the images when uploaded to imgur, dont resize to fit window. click on it to see it properly.



It just looks like the one on the left is pulling a slightly different pose to the one on the right.

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Try right clicking on the image on imgur and choose “copy image address”, that one looks like it will work properly here.


With the right facial features and customization options it could work.


Does anyone have the time to make these silhouettes and then make a comparison with NB/NE, or do I do it?


Disgust is not equal to outrage.

Where did I state they were the same? Are you Mowachassa or something?

Where does morality come into this?
Fact: Blood elves used fel to power their building due to the lack of a sunwell. This is supported by statements on Isle of thunder.
Fact: The mass majority did not drain fel.
Fact: You’re wasting everyone’s time on this outdated storyline because the sunwell was restored.

Sorry, it isn’t head canon. Prove it is instead of tossing out accusations.

Looking for irrelevant differences is a waste of everyone’s time.

Cool, where did I make the statement about it being a buffet? Do read my posts. This constant play at ignorance on your part is droll and not fooling anyone really.

Am I dealing with two people sharing an account? You asked. I answered.
Don’t like the answer? Don’t ask the question.


Its right there dude.

Not really because the lore can be expanded, and no one can see lore while playing now can they?
Let alone, your argument is literally “You cut my sandwich into two triangles. I wanted squares. You cut my sandwich into squares after it was cut into triangles, ITS NOT THE SAME THING I DONT WANT IT ANYMORE!”

Screw that, eat the sandwich.



Indeed, I did do a NB female to HE also. I might try it!


the one on the right has a wider face. thicker eyebrows, more slanted eyes, a different stance, shorter ears, thinner shoulder width, closer thighs with more of that female dip in top of inside thigh, more defined knees, bigger waistline (belf has tiny waist), more definition in the ribcage, more pronounced collarbones, bigger biceps (nelf ya know), thicker neck , larger breasts


i love how they always pick the tanned skin for comparison