High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

ion is the game director whose word is law, his opinion trumps a biased fan with an agenda. but oh yes, ion alone stands between you and the blessed day alliance ‘high’ elves are made playable

then the dev team will rush to get the fanfiction art of blood elves with a different hairstyle youve been doing and implement alliance ‘high’ elves ASAP

or ion was relaying the teams viewpoint on playable alliance ‘high’ elves after they vetted them as an alliance AR and discovered they are pretty much identical to blood elves, who are already a playable option that you deny yourself to

there is no difference beyond a political adjective. when you or fyor are ready to tell us all the differences beyond the adjective to show political dissent we can continue

Because for people like you a change that is aesthetic holds more weight than a comprehensively contextual difference in lifestyle, ideology and politics.

To you it doesn’t matter that they were Blood Elves until a year ago because they look different. That’s the point many of us find risible.


You’ve had 19000 posts to read some people’s thoughts on that.

Yes, blue face paint doesn’t make them look different.

And many don’t want another Alliance race.

they have no development, were made from belves instead of made from helves (for rp-ers and lore geeks, that was such a missed opportunity), and represent the second blue tentacled race on alliance, the first being the draenei.


I just joined the discord, the link is in the first post.


Probably the part where he stated flat out that the blood elves would be horrified to learn kaelthas entered a bargain of fel draining demons or fel draining period.

They used the fel energy to power things which is different from empowering themselves. Using uranium to.power weapons? Ok.
Using it to snort? Wtf?
In the starter quests it is stated they do not realize that the fel energy radiated out of the crystals before implementing them. At which point, it was too late because they were on the brink.

As for the ion bit, I literally just said we can disagree with them, so the motion that it is up for debate on my part is a stupid o e that I grow tired of reading.

This stipid notion of him l not being in charge one day is dumb.
Blizzard has held onto the matter since TBC. People said the same dumb thing about ghostcrawler and guess what? He wasnt the only one saying no.

This argumentnof “oh he wont be there forever” is stupid because blizzard isnt going to hire someone who decides to go against wise game design or against their princoples.
Oh and yes, it is i fallible.
If you ask God, “can you make a boulder you cant lift?”, he would say yes, then change the rules so he can lift it afterwards.
Ion is god of the game
So if he says the design is this way, he is infallible on the matter of the game design.
Disagree, feel free to, but you should accept that is the current design and was the design back during GC’s days too.

you think these look too much like belfs?


Yes. They’re literally just belfs with blue eyes and bikinis.

Like, knowledge 101:

“Law” Does Not Equal Right, or Correct or Truth.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Ion’s decision alone, or of the team as a whole, the decision has been made; but that doesn’t mean that decision cannot change in the future if Ion or other members of the team change, or change their mind.

It’s not written in stone; every design decision is up for mutability.

A political adjective, different ideology and alliances, different culture to the point of being referred as being assimilated, disconnection from ancestral homes.

But just keep being disingenuous and say the only difference is political without realizing the context of said decision.


But of they are blue, looking exactly like blood elves otherwise, they are different enough.


Sorry for the delay, just trying to get things organized heh.


your mock ups use the human model for the body right?


A judicial system about law is not the same principle as game design.Laws have a different purpse.
Game design is a different realm. Same realm as books. You dont argue with him about how a character looks.
Can he change his mind? Yeah.
I could get hit by lightning too while sitting in my home.
Is it likely to happen though? No.

Many of these positions are also handed down. Dont expect a change in helf attitude anytime soon.

No worries, I just said hi in the discord so I’ll be easy to find.


But you would say that.

Honestly I’m gonna ask a quote for this, cause AFAIK the horror bit was about allying with Kil’daeden and serving him, not using fel.

That’s only because you believe there’s an intrinsic moral value to the concept of “faction identity exclusivity” and anything that might lessen it, even when that’s just a design choice and not a moral one.

So what if he changes his mind?


you’ll probably get sethrak for an AR on horde. since alliance never allied with them.


The same Lore that a lot of your group can’t even seem to explain?, like, they talk about how different they’re from Belves and the only real difference is them being with the humans.

Also, I don’t get whats the problem with Blue, like… why you all guys make such a fuss about them beign Blue.
“Pink” skinned Elves are like the most cliche and boring out of all the elfkind in media.

They’re pretty much the same.

So you don’t think Void Elves are different enough?



But they’re way more different than literally just blue eyes.