High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

But blood elves as a whole DID endorse those actions; Kael and CO send the fel powered batteries and a naaru to rebuild Silvermoon, people knew what they were, and they accepted the toll. What’s with the whitewashing? Silvermoon was rebuilt using these volatile magics even if personally not all elves did.

And this is the kind of ill-intentioned and dismissive comments that show how worthless your opinions are. We been knew since you have been Fire.


But whether its new or old shouldnt really matter. Why should the new similar things be castrated for doing similar concepts that the old ones do?

Arent these same problems associated with bias and nostalgia blindness?

Blood Elves on a personal basis might not have siphoned from fel directly, but they rebuilt their civilization by replacing their lost source of power with with the power sources provided by Kael’thas, which he obtained from demons and others.

Also Metzen looks so young.

Even if we can all agree that the green crystals are green for the aesthetic -and a lot of the BE aesthetic of Quel’thalas is kinda contradictory of previous depictions- the notion that the “fel crystals” weren’t fel before is not the point; the point is that they are by the time of BC being powered by demonic energies to replace the Sunwell’s power.


I think the disassociation is the since then.

Kindly reminder that Mage-Priests do exist, so Reno isn’t technically wrong:



No, the problem we have been having is the revisionist downplaying of how much fel the Blood Elves used to use; it was like radium and they used it for everything but doesn’t meant they all got high of it.

I doubt you’ll find many people claiming that BE’s currently still use fel powered Crystals; newer lore states they don’t currently.


Yea, we got that linked already. I think the issue was that they were just labelled mages in BFA (buts its a point thats dead and lets not bring it back up again).

I think this is mostly because Blizzard rewrote a lot of the blood elf lore prior to TBC when Chronicles was being written. It is where we got the rewrites of “high elves not being mostly exiles, but not choosing to return to Kaelthas’ decree” and “most blood elves didnt siphon fel”.

No one is downplaying their role, its just a disassociation between TBC and the revisions that Blizzard made in the 2010s.

I agree. Its why the Farstriders who were the most non-magic using base of sin’dorei got the fel corruption.

That was claimed and pushed here (not in this megathread specifically, but in threads past) a couple times. And thats what Guzzle is trying to not happen again.

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Only to a point, cause nothing has contradicted or retconed that Blood Elves were basically using Fel Batteries to power Quel’thalas, and that’s the particular revisionism, that there was some sort of dislike against Fel when to be frank, it was all the rage. Again, that most of the Belves didn’t siphon fel directly doesn’t mean that they weren’t okay with using it as a power source.

It just means that only a small percent liked to lick batteries.

“Hey guys! we recharged this crystal so you can power up your Lodge!”

“Uhm, why does it have glowing red eyes and seems to scream as if damned?”

“Hey this is cheap energy, not clean energy”

Well there are people that still claim that BE’s are not an Horde race; some comments are silly.



Stupid sexy High Elves…


I love this joke.


I dont think anyone is, to be honest. I think we know that fel crystals were around the cities but were mostly used for mages and the Magisters. Not everyone is a Magister.

Well that was inferred in the Ask Dev Round 3 in 2012 along with the encyclopedia, because Rommath was only teaching the populace how to siphon arcane magic as it was suggested the people would be heavily against and horrified by Kaelthas’ dealing in fel and with illidan.

It gives enough leeway to suggest “did the populace not agree with fel usage because of the Legion involvement with the Scourge?”

No one isnt arguing this, that also doesnt mean that they knew directly what extent of fel siphoning was going on either.


You’re entitled to your unpopular opinion. But play devil’s advocate with me for a moment. Say high elves (Quel’dorei) be announced for the alliance, do you really think they won’t be the most played allied race on the alliance?

It doesn’t matter how interesting you think fat humans are but the amount and time and resources used to build the KT model ground up were seemingly wasted on what will likely be the least played allied race they ever release (outside diaper gnomes)

And I don’t care it’s been 13 years, I’ll wait as long as needed and ask as often as I please for alliance Quel’dorei. If that upsets you (which is clearly does) then I’m sorry? 🤷


because why invent NEW STUFF instead of giving us the EXISTING STUFF.


Because it’s Blizzard’s game and ultimately their decision.

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It appears blizzcon WoW QnA is being changed this year. It isn’t going to be like previous years but instead there will be a submission box at the darkmoon faire area. This means they will likely go through and choose what they want to answer way in advance so they have plenty of time to prepare. This would prevent people wasting time doing callouts and also generally just not good questions like we do get because first come first serve in the lineup.

So if you are going submit your questions.


Yup, pretty much. Blizz will do what Blizz does


Honestly, thank god. I get a bit annoyed at the amount of time people wasted by giving shout outs to their server and guild. Could’ve doubled the amount of questions asked if everybody knocked it off


A good all around question would be

“You’ve added a lot of new things with Allied Races but are their any chances of adding long time player request races like Ogres, High Elves, Forest Trolls, Wildhammer Dwarves, Undead Elves and other more traditional Warcraft races?”


I wonder what the reaction would be if the same High Elves are basically Blood Elves answer gets repeated will be.

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Ill give this a shot:

No, under the current allied race system…most likely no. I really doubt they would simply because reputation requirements seem to kill highly liked races.

For example: I have not seen any sort of complaints for the Dark Iron Dwarves and are seen as one of the best allied races…yet have very low playrate. We can tie this into a 35.1% completion of the 7th Legion rep gate (since you get an achievement for exalted which can be tracked).

I disagree. Based upon racial participation at higher levels of PvE and PvP tracking, KTs are more successful than HMT and LFD, we see them more often yet share low playrate.

It might be tied into the fact that you basically need two exalted reps to unlock them (since you need both High Revered 7th legion and Exalted Admiralty) with Admiralty only being completed at 28% of 120s.