High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Or maybe, just mahbe, its an idiotic argument?
If you really believe eye color is a threat to the playability of high elves, then doesnt that mean you are implicitly acknowledging aesthetics is important?
That something as minor as eye color is the only difference between the two and all this nonsense about lore is really just an argument of “I dont want to play horde”.

That your request, while not wrong to ask, is not one which will be fulfilled for this one aesthetic?

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that they think an eye color is going be reserved for a few NPCs is proof that there is no difference beyond a political opinion. ion himself shrugged and said ‘eye color is not quite the same’

there really is no merit to the pro high elf point of view based on the game right now as it is fundamentally a request for a gigantic retcon, to alter the few alliance high elves from what they are (identical to blood elves) to what they are not as part of a justification for their inclusion

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Yes, they use it literally everywhere, differently from blue.


Blue certainly does not match with their heritage armor.


I would if I could.

And Horde are scattered throughout Alliance territory, but I am not seeing anything major.

I guess that is the reason why they aren’t a Horde allied race then!


And yet people keep insisting that blue is a important color on the Blood Elf aesthetic


Fact is that’s what the community identifies as a High Elf based on 14+ years of in-game conditioning.

I know that High Elves come in all shapes and sizes and all sorts of eye colors, but the “Blue Eyed Blood Elf” is how Blizzard has presented them.

This isn’t about uniqueness. It’s just that it would effectively signal an end to the possibility that it would be available to Alliance, because it basically means “High Elves” have rejoined Blood Elves.

Again, I still think this is what is gonna happen. A sort of High Elf reunification, the same kind of unification that is currently happening to the Humans and Forsaken, in order to solve the problem of player base merging.

Why else would Calia, a strongly Alliance-affiliated character, lead the Forsaken? Why else are Vereesa and Alleria still commenting on reuniting the High Elves?


It’s important because they’ll use it as an ultimate excuse against High Elves.

The day Blood Elves get blue eyes any active High Elf thread will become a dumpster fire. These threads are already full of toxic people, now imagine if Blood Elf gets blue eyes before High Elves introduction…


It’s been a dumpster fire since Allied Races were announced, and then became a raging volcano after Ion’s comments that one fateful day.

This is probably the most controversial topic in terms of sheer longevity in WoW history. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s been used as some case study somewhere.


Yeah, those were grim times, but I think things improved since last October, now it feels more like a heated debate.

But I’m sure many Horde fanboys will appear just to despise us if Blood Elves get blue eyes, and not in a constructive manner, so the active threads will be probably deleted because of the toxic discussion.


I doubt Blizzard would do that. The PR would be a nightmare.

It’s either the Alliance get access to these High Elves, or both factions do. It’ll never ever be Horde-exclusive.


They’ve also been conditioned for 14+ years to know blood elves and high elves are the same race, and have been shown multiple blood elves with blue eyes. The only ones throwing a fuss over it, are people such as yourself who want playable blood elves on the alliance.

Cool, and they’ve presented blood elves with blue eyes multiple times for the past 8+ years.

This is literally an argument about uniqueness.

Have you ever considered that void elves signaled the end of this possibility? If you really believe blue eyed blood elves ends your request, then maybe your request was doomed because it was just a demand for aesthetics available on the HOrde already?

Vereesa commented on it back on three sisters.
Alleria alluded to it when she returned.
The thing is, reunification was alluded to since TBC, when blood elves became playable.

Void elves killed the high elf request.

Or…maybe its not all about you and an eye color?
It makes the request for high elves vapid, if eye color is the qualm you have with the blood elf customization request.
I don’t see any of you losing your mind over DK eyes.

Edit: Guys I have terrible RNG. Only one loot item from a mythic 0. GUH

You don’t have to break down your quotes like this… It’s needlessly pedantic.

Everyone is fully aware High Elves and Blood Elves are the same race. That’s why most Alliance players resigned to always seeing them (and I mean every expansion) but not touching them.

Allied Races have broken down all barriers, including the same race deal. All Allied Races with the exception of goblins/vulpera are simply customization options of an existing umbrella race.

World building involves not categorizing individual archetypes into strict rules. There has been a goblin in the Alliance headquarters since day one. That some High Elves chose to remain affiliated with the Blood Elf banner is natural. They are the exception however, not the rule, which is why Blizzard never made it an option.

Some like to argue that Void Elves “killed” the High Elf request, but that’s easily countered. It runs under the assumption that every race will get only one altered customization entry. That’s pretty presumptuous. It’s perfectly reasonable to assume that we’ll be getting 3.0s after our 2.0s. Allied Races are not only limited to BFA after all.

Furthermore, if the notion of player base merging is correct, then the decision to make Void Elves rather than High Elves playable in BFA makes a little bit more sense. They can easily just make High Elves a entry of Blood Elves with slightly varied customization options when they become available for both factions.

Personally I’d rather see High Elf rather than Blood Elf, and if the option comes with the unique name tag I’ll be ecstatic, but if the story moves to all High Elves rejoining as Blood Elves for simplicity and posterity then I’ll survive.


How is everyone today?

I am trying to draw some high elves, but it’s not going well tonight.


Yeah, that’s my hope as well.

But a truly believe in Blizzard being biased regarding “some aspects of the game”, so I’m not much confident about it.

In the meantime, we can still enjoy this “peaceful” period. :blue_heart:

Personally, I don’t see Blood Elves getting blue eyes as a problem, because I see High Elves as something that can be way more than just an eye color change and a faction swap. I think can be easily developed as their own thing, with a proper new model and lore to push them forward.

But the problem is how the average community sees these things, and that’s why I think it shouldn’t happen before High Elves receives a new model.

They don’t even need to become playable, just give High Elves a new model and your precious Blood elves can get the blue eyes.

My point is… their differences must be maintained in some way.


I’m still in love with Talendrion’s models. They were quintessential Thalassians. Even new Lor’themar looks more like them.


It helps me focus my thoughts. The method in which I discuss things does not need to be a singular block of text. If you dislike it, I apologize, but this is my preference for it. It also allows me to deal with the meat of your argument rather than focus upon the fluff. Let alone it would be a big block the other way anyway, so your complaint isn’t really meaningful.

Until we remember the fact that the “same race” deal results in that race remaining on the same faction. HM tauren, DID, LF Dranei, Mag’har Orcs, Kul TIran humans, Zandalari trolls, and Mecha gnomes.
The notion that this breaks down a barrier does not work, particularly since void elves were placed over high elves which was an intentional choice by the devs. They had the option, and chose not to do high elves for a reason.
The AR thing did not renew hope for high elves, that is simply looking for something that is not there.

This is a dual sided argument. It is just as reasonable to assume that every race will only get one altered entry. There is nothing to suggest otherwise, and void elves being chosen over high elves is what killed the high elf thing.

I don’t see a reason for them to do the merge as much as the rumors suggest it. The faction differences is what has contributed to WoW’s success, and games such as EoS the faction means nothing outside of PvP. In WoW, your choice affects PvE AND PvP, which makes it all the more meaningful. The loss of a meaningful choice would do more harm than good.

A proper new model would not make sense, because blood elves and high elves are defined as being the same people, from the same place, with simply difference in political views.
In terms of gameplay, it simply damages what people have known for a long time, and people hate change without reason.
If you change the model, you piss off Horde players because now the alliance has access to 2 thalassian based models which they need to faction swap to access.
Lore lovers would wonder, WTF happened and why lore means nothing suddenly.

It creates far too many more problems than it solves.

Edit: People seem to be confused with my alts. I think I’ll swap over to Broflake.


Heya, been sometime since I’ve posted!, I still support the Quel’dorei 10000%, I support all races new and old for allied races!

But obviously we have to wait until Blizzcon to see what’s upcoming, but just knowing Blizzard and how out of touch they been with their community, honestly I think they just going to add more customisation to Void Elves, then you’ll be able to create an Alleria looking Void Elf, which in all serious isn’t bad, I’d rather Quel’dorei as an allied race on its own…

Just Blizzard itself as a company has created so much doubt with its community in every aspect and on multiple games.


The problem with such a conversation style is that it addresses individual points without context of the others.


Casuals vs Hardcores kinda has it beat.