High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Okay so you are saying that Blood Elves aren’t a Horde Race?

What’s the point of bringing the fat they wanted to leave, as if races couldn’t leave their factions because it’s a political choice?


Mechadon’t lol

I’m sure they’ll get it on their 3rd try, they’re getting closer to what people actually wanted in Mecha Gnomes, body part by body part, diaper by diaper.

Even if what you say was the case for Alliance High Elves, that’s still more involvement than many of our Core races, and even much more involvement than Void Elves ever.


it can be sarcastic and legit.
You can come in here thinking this thread is the most stupid thing in existence and want to argue it without being here to troll.
Some people just think this is idiocy at its finest

Well, what part of “I’m just going to join this faction” claims them to be that factions race?

That’s an odd take on my comment, but whatever.
I think that there are some people who post who sometimes write trollish posts, but I would not classify anyone here as a ‘troll’.

Every core race has been more involved in the Alliance story than the High Elves (Well, except for the Gnomes, they have been hugely disincluded!), and the Void Elves only just joined the Alliance not that long ago.

That political choices change, hence, race membership? Honestly what’s your point here?

Mine is that if a race is part of a faction, they are a race of that faction: Blood Elves are an Horde Race, High Elves are an Alliance Race, Nightborne are a Horde race etc…

Exactly, I specifically said legitimately trollish, not just getting a bit trolly or sassy.
The two people I mentioned as specifically such are the ones that keep lying like saying “All Vrykul are disgusted by Humans” or “The Silver Covenant is Neutral”


I have also pointed that out. Only Blizz knows who does what flagging.

I have pointed that out as well.

I have also pointed out that coming here to repeatedly “correct” fans, especially on something as unclear as the the lore or spout silly lines about “Blood Elves are High Elves and Blood Elves are playable so they will never happen” is not about discussion, it is about derailing and that is focused on causing unrest and unrest is trolling.


all of these have been debunked for the reasons i have told you before and ion confirming with the ‘no alliance high elf hubs left’

you cannot build a distinct identity for alliance high elves using the elves who lived in dalaran. the vast majority of them are the sunreavers or used to be. they are a part of the horde or neutral. as exemplified by prince kaelthas, aethas sunreaver(the only 2 high elven council members and even rommath was kirin tor once), and others like them with their attachment to the kirin tor and never left. as exemplified by the fact the sunreavers control the only place even remotely resembling high elven architecture. there is even a quest showing kael there as a student before it was destroyed and then rebuilt exactly as it was today. to try and make dalaran exclusive to the SC, the new faction and a splinter of the sunreavers, is a joke

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Reading too much into something? A question was asked, and an answer was given, it’s YOU that is trying way too hard to come up with some half-baked theory to back up an assumption solely for the purpose of undermining an idea you don’t like.

I didn’t make anything up, I asked the source a question and got a response, if you want the same you can get on twitter and ask them yourselves.

The difference was the tweet was a direct confirmation of something, and Ion’s phrasing of “anything” is possible was a vague comment about “anything” being possible, and just after going on a tirade over just why they chose Void elves over High elves mind you. That in the same breath he quite literally said that Blue eyes for blood elves was possible, but at least in that example he was referring to someone specifically and not “Anything” at all.

And I can’t imagine how I was gloating over a tweet.

If it wasn’t in the same block of text I was responding to, I wouldn’t have. :kissing_closed_eyes:

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But I didn’t specify that it was a compromise for people who wanted High elves because of lore, I specified that it was a gesture of compromise.

It’s not pointless simply because it didn’t fit your example of a compromise for what you wanted.


I wanted Void Elves.

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Did you or did you not state that clearly the NPC had a story or explanation prior to the tweet when the tweet does not say that? It said they want to let stories happen in game and not through a tweet or whatever. I pointed out that does not mean that there was a story before said tweet. I haven’t heard him mentioned from a book or a comic or anything outside of WoWpedia where he is just listed as an NPC. For all we know they are coming up with something as we speak, but that doesn’t mean it was there before. Hence, my comment about him probably being a random character that no one even noticed since this High Elf allied race idea was born.

The only confirmation was that the NPC was acknowledged and may have something coming up. It doesn’t state anything about something prior to that.

Except it was in response to a question about High Elves, not just about allied races in general.

Did you not specifically quote it and respond? It wasn’t lumped in with any other quote.


How about stop pretending it was some form of compromise and simply acknowledge it was just the developers making a race they thought it was cool?


It’s not possible to want something you don’t know about. They weren’t known to players until their announcement.

  • Antis say void elves were a compromise.
  • We point out why void elves, if they were meant as a compromise, failed.
  • The anti answer is that void elves weren’t a compromise to us.

Then why bring that point at all?

If they were a compromise in place of high elves, they failed.
If they weren’t meant to appease us, then they have no place in this discussion.

The end.


Yes it is.

I wanted a Playable Pretty Boy Elf on the Alliance and Void Elves fit that bill, so for me to say I wanted Void Elves is accurate since it fits the criteria.

We have repeatedly told you that just because Ion forgets that there ARE High Elves hubs they don’t magically disappear. Your “Ion can’t be wrong” spiel is absurd.

You keep repeating this obtuse interpretation even when multiple people have corrected you.

-That some of the Sunreavers are of the “original teachers” doesn’t mean they all are, nor does it invalidate any other High Elves that moved to Dalaran in the following 3000 years

-Your “vast majority” comment is baseless. The facts are that Most of Dalaran’s population was evacuated, Kael’thas and some elves returned to Quel’thalas then to the ruins of Dalaran. Years later, Dalaran returns, with its population, most of them High Elves with blue eyes. They remained as part of the Dalaran populace. Aethas, founder of the Sunreavers, HAS to have left for Quel’thalas at some point to get green eyes and became a blood elf.

-Your “evidence” about architecture is absurd. The Difference between the BE and HE area is ROOF COLOR PAINT. It’s all Dalarani style architecture, influenced by Human and Thalassian aesthetic. At best it means that Aethas family has owned that area since the beginning and made it slightly more thalassian??

-I never claimed that Dalaran is exclusive to the SC… Unlike you that claim the SC as a Sunreaver splinter because for some irrational logic got stuck in your mind that all the Dalarani High Elves come from the Sunreavers.


That’s cool. I think Void Elves are awesome. They have a great soundtrack that is unlike anything I’ve heard in WoW, and they do have the potential to have a great story.

However I also want the High Elves and the story that comes with them. The story of a people that have stayed loyal to their friends for time immemorial.


The goalpost has been moved!