High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

You do realize if they had a connection to the sunwell their void nature would infect it right?
Did you not pay attention to the nightborne recruitement?

It does not matter if it is optional. They have tentacles for hair. Thats like saying demon hunters always wear blindfolds and that not wearing it is an option

In 2006, I would’ve argued it would be a mistake to implement BE’s on the Horde.
In 2019, I wouldn’t argue it was a mistake to implement BE’s on the Horde.

What exactly are you fishing for? A statement that implies I believe that… the in-game reality… isn’t actually the reality?

It is little, and it was a penal colony. You feel free to “disparage” me right back by describing the U.S. using textbook historical references, I won’t fall apart, I assure you. :man_shrugging:

I think she means Nathanos.

Lol, every single high elf unit has blue eyes in their portraits. Am I denying that as well?

And what’s meant to be seen close-up: the portrait or the unit from the top-down perspective?


Also a hard difference between “green” and “Glowing green”.

Last stage is insanity, looking forward to the point you’ve already reached.


You do realise you are headcanoning, right?

Not my fault if the race has no lore to clarify anything and almost everything about them is assumption.

Demon hunters always have their eye balls replaced with fel orbs, blindfold or not.

The “tentacles” are just hair.


And? Models use green eyes, some of them have blue eyes. You mean to tell me Blizz can’t recolor a model? :wink:

I’ll dance in the pale moonlight this Blizzcon when once again, nothing regarding helves.


green eyes are a rare gene in any race these days, as most races are brown-eyed due to a dominent gene.

And you know this is a leaked alpha, right?


Your willingness to argue it isn’t what I’m asking, I’m asking if you think it was a mistake. I think blackcurrent juice is better than apple juice, but I wouldn’t argue it.

I’m not fishing, I made my original post because I thought I understood what you were saying and I still don’t fully understand what you meant. I’m trying to.

It’s an exceedingly condescending way to refer to a nation. Just as a general rule don’t do that.

And by the way Australia isn’t little, what are you talking about? By itself it’s the 6th largest nation on earth and if you include our territories we’re bigger than Canada.


Also wanna point out that the sorceress and priest are a unit used by both the Blood Elves and the Alliance. So they may just be sharing a model to just save resources and nothing more?


And yet they’re more numerous than they were a century ago. Hardy-Weinberg principle keeps these sorts of things from dying out without evolutionary pressure/selection. It’s why they haven’t disappeared, despite brown eyes being in every population.

Why would they bother to give High Elves green eyes, instead of coloring them outright blue right from the start?

From the portraits, sorceress, priest and dragonhawk rider all have both high and blood elf versions. The preview shows only the blood elf version.


Woops. Almost forgot to show my support today. High Elves for the Alliance! Now and Forever!


Probably is a beta thing then. You’re right.


Isn’t most of it largely unpopulated? Besides the coasts?

Also makes sense to replace them with Blood Elf models in the Frozen throne, as that story is largely Blood elves.


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Yes it’s sparse, not little.


Majority of the world is largely unpopulated when compared to cities. Besides, why does having a large population matter? Live within your means.

Pfft, screw that, I’d be too busy cackling madly and being like “They think we try to balance the game.”

That’s not fair, the pirates actually do stuff.