High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

It isn’t bait, it is a fact.
The overall fact of the matter is that the alliance has better racials, and for the majority of the game’s lifespan, has had the best racials.

I’ve been playing since vanilla, and I never understood where the notion came that the alliance was ever inferior to the horde in someway. Maybe because we sucked at being competitive after vanilla.
Hell, the Horde’s claim to face racial wise, was in PvP, and in this aspect they are equal.
Have you seen mechagnomes btw? Ooph. Free DPS burst cooldown through HALO.

Better racials, if that’s even the case, doesn’t make up for races no one asked for being pulled out of thin air and slapped into the game.

It also doesn’t make up for the fact that the alliance asked for broken draenei, and got lightforged draenei with fewer class options. It doesn’t make up for asking for high elves and getting blue blood elves that fell asleep in their calamari and who came out of nowhere and haven’t been truly relevant since.

The horde races all have stories. The horde races have been common requests for ages. Horde have been asking for upright orcs and brown orcs forever. They got customization for every maghar clan, most of whom were our enemies on draenor.

Yrel was villainized in their recruitment. Tyrande is being villainized for not wanting to hold hands with people who helped burn Teldrassil.

And if alliance racials are so OP, why are all the high end raiding groups maining horde still? Can’t be that OP or the people who prioritize performance for the world first race would have swapped sides.



Back once again to voice my support for High Elves in the Alliance!

High Elves. Now and forever!


It really seems to depend on what stage of WoW’s life we’re talking about. In Classic the Alliance racials seem better for pve while the Horde have an advantage in pvp

That’s just my take, anyway


No one ever gets everything they want, and they shouldn’t, because it would be imbalanced, harm design, or just isn’t a good idea.
NO ONE really likes allied races so let us be real about that matter. Almost all of them could have been added as new customization options, and the fact of the matter is that while the alliance didn’t get everything they wanted, what they did get was good quality and a good compromise.

You guys have the only unique model allied race in the game, and the response isn’t to be like “oh hey they’re good”, its “they’re fat and not pretty pale elves.”.
Now thi does not mean you in particular, but the alliance in general.
When they do get something nice, they flaunt it and act as if they deserved it all along.

You’re right, its not like when there is a competitive setting (MDI), you don’t see only alliance teams. /s
It’s not like you don’t see alliance teams consistently completely 20+ keys while Horde struggle to do the same. /s

Mind you, mythic is the most accessible of the endgame out there.

When it comes to raiding, the difference needs to be larger, like when the raiding teams were going alliance in WoD because of how stupidly strong alliance racials were.

They do change, and the reason it has’t in BFA for raiding, but has in M+, is because of the fact that for raids it doesn’t matter as much, but for Mythic plus it does immensely.

Honest question Avarie. Do you even raid or do end game stuff?

Kind of sorta.
If i remember correctly, the only expansions where the alliance didn’t have an advantage was…MoP and Legion?

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Hey did you ever weigh in on The Best Theme for High Elves? Hunter or mage are the two main ones, but I am open to any options.

Also, good morning.

Don’t take the bait is my advice.


I like a more mage theme (even though if high elves were playable i wouldn’t race change my mage. I love my Diplomacy racial too much to lose it on my main). I just think it fits better because they were all about the arcane before their cousins turned to fel.

With that being said if (and preferably) when high elves become playable I will race change my hunter, my priest and paladin into one.

Come on blizz that’s $60 from just me alone.


Thanks! I think… We are at 8 hunter and now 3 mage and 1 pally if I remember correctly. I will have to go back and see what I last noted later to make sure.

The mage thing makes sense to me too, by the way.


I don’t think Blizzard would do the Alliance that dirty, but my opinion of the game and the dev team would definitely sour should that possibility actually happen

Well, there’s gotta be some reason the dev team is holding out on us


Well, blizzard likes to take their sweet time on a lot of things (but I know they can move quickly when they want, they just dont want to admit it).

Then theres the fact that this is an alliance request so I dont think the motivation is there, but we will see.

Plus you have to consider that they can be stubborn. A lot.


Yeah, that’s fair, but Blizzard has been known to listen at times.

“You think you want it, but you don’t”, anyone?


Support for High Elves! :smiley:


I mean yes. Blizz has changed their minds and they do listen to player feedback (sometimes). They have admitted that they make mistakes or sometimes player feedback has made them change their minds so that is why I believe nothing is impossible.

Hidden mog.
I am sure there’s a very long list of things over the years


High Elf please, Blizzard <3


Now only if they could make it so I can have faux single minded fury again… (mog from titan grip to one hand weps) lol

But here’s hoping for the High elves!

So far no clues during 8.3… but I’ll assume 8.3.5 will be some chasing of Sylvanas’ whispers or something.

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I wish they’d let use hide pants too. Some of my mog ideas are wrecked by pants.


So reforged is being datamined and there are a lot of cool high elf stuff. Someone should post them.


Fixed that for you.


Yes, please Blizzard waste an Alliance allied race slot on … blood elves with purple eyes… so that you can put more work into the Horde Allied races. You guys take your budget blood elves, the Horde will have something original, something interesting and something fun.


You can gladly have Ogres as long as we get High Elves…how does that sound? Both should have been implemented long ago and they created KT’s and made them Obese and 9 ft tall so they could actually use the model for Ogres anyways, so why not make it happen?

That is called win-win.