High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I don’t think they’d stand to make much money either.

Except we’re not, we’re just defending the exclusivity and the story treatment of our faction’s most popular model. You got the compromise, we lost the model exclusivity, but didn’t lose the exact theme and it didn’t infringe on the blood elf story by pulling out goody two shoe perfect elves who are better than the rest. You didn’t get the skin colors you wanted and the theme was voidy. Nobody’s happy that’s a compromise.

But swear to bob, every time one of you people hopping for High Elves uses the word compromise it seems to mean “We get everything you get nothing.”

I dont think money should ever be considered when talking about the future of lore in this game. Too many possibilities to absolutely ruin the game. Not because of HE’s but for other things. Money should never be the motivator.

I do find it worrying that me presenting an opinion differing from yours makes me “unable to hold a conversation.” My statement is clear, the idea that HE’s would negatively impact BE’s narrative is baseless speculation; I’m not saying that it won’t happen, nor that HE’s will make everything better.

Simply that this concern is entirely subjective and has no origin in facts, it’s simply stating the possibility of a worse case scenario which is tantamount to thinking “No no I won’t ride an airplaine because it might fall.”

It’s alarmist and non-evidence based.

And this was exactly my point; you are easy to dismiss the talks from infringement when it comes from NE players and are ready to proclaim the HE issue different, even when NE players have been vocal about it.

As someone who agrees with neither claim, I seriously cannot understand how easily is for some people to dismiss the similarities and label themselves as “right” when both come from pretty much the same place.

Of course this is an opinion, and simply I believe that ideological differences are far more compelling than aesthetic ones, hence why I’m okay pretty much okay with well developed “cross-factions” ideas.

At the core, I simply do not agree with the notions that “biology” should be the determining factor for belonging to a faction; it’s an arbitrary decision made for the sake of exclusivity rather than something that follows the political and ideological process of why groups join certain factions.

On the other hand AR were only introduced 2 years ago and those by themselves were a huge paradigm shift from a decade long status quo when it came to playable races philosophy.

It’s rather quaint to propose a traditionalist approach when the design choices of the game are ever evolving.

Tattoo’s, hairstyles, stance, build: all additive options that would separate HE from BE. Not by themselves, but in tandem one with the other.

That BE’s got the geometrical tats of Rommath would only further separate HE’s with Alleria like tattoos.

Again, if the issue is differentiation asking “but why can’t I have that” is disingenuous.

What’s hypocritical about proposing that the “Ideal” High Elf could be different from the “Ideal” Blood Elf? Aesthetics, build, stance, behavior; all differences distinct from biology; differences that you call hypocritical and lore bending when they are neither and are just about presenting the group ideal different enough.

The mind-boggling thing of such argument is that it implies there’s like, zero body variance within races and everyone looks the same, and that there cannot possibly be different medians between two different populations with different habitats.

Yet there are still High Elves going about their lives, as if they had missed the memo they are extinct and just backstory for another race.


your fanfiction art is just that, fanfiction. it has no bearing on the game. cosmetic changes like ‘tattoos’ or a different ‘posture’ are not distinctions. and a political opinion is not distinct enough either. playable alliance high elves because you have a few individuals(like a portal keeper) make even less sense now and is moot in the age of ‘breaking the cycle’

yes blood elves get everything because they are the future of the high elf story and are our high elves. blizzard has made that clear. the future of the high elf story is not a few elves shoved into a couple apartments in dalaran or living in a hut just south of quel’thalas, its tied up with the blood elves who control the high elf state and its armies and make up the overwhelmingly majority of their people

wanting a different model in an attempt to differentiate them from their own race is proof its not about the lore. its an admission they are thematically and aesthetically the same thing. you admit the only thing they dont fulfill for the high elf fantasy is the faction they are tied up with. that you are willing to bend lore to create something brand new as long as its a light skinned elf is contrary to statements thats its about the lore. that they could be made distinct from their people was refuted by the game director when he said ‘if you want to be a light skinned and majestic elf, that IS a blood elf’

then ask for the half elves that nobody cares about. you wont get any arguments from me beacuse they arent already a playable core race

the model was the compromise. anything more would have been giving you exactly what you wanted, a light skinned and majestic elf. which is a blood elf. do you really think because a few reject it blizzard is going to back and give you a race identical to a blood elf? :woman_judge:

Well we can assume that many of those void elf players that are RPing as a high elf or say that they would rather be one would purchase race changes.

The community discord also has a lot of currently unsubbed people that would immediately come back when high elves are added. This is several hundred at least. More than half the discord is like that currently.

I do believe there is a business equation that is used to roughly determine these things based on a sample size and scaling it up to the general audience. I do not know it off the top of my head however.

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There really aren’t that many of them. This isn’t an issue that people really care about. It’s a niche thing.

If you take away both the appearance and the story what exactly are we getting out of the compromise?

It is like I said. It would be the same as slapping elf ears on an orc and calling it a high elf.


Hey don’t shame what i do on the weekends.

Cannibalism? Is it still cannibalism if a zombie does it?

It’s recycling and its good for the environment!

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It’s really impressive how this discussion was kept alive and also heavily heated for almost two years already, since November 2017.

It’s even more impressive coming from a discussion that’s going on for over 15 years, since Vanilla beta.

Just WoW! Literally WoW!

High Elves is probably the most persistent topic the World of Warcraft has since you know… Death Knight’s when? Done! Demon Hunters when? Done! Legacy Servers when? Done! Argus when? Done! South Seas Expac when? Done!

I think High Elves is probably the oldest request the game has right now, alongside Necromancers maybe.


exactly this. It is absurd that they argue from this standpoint.

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necromancer, tinkers, high elves, wildhammer, broken, ogres, and forest trolls I would say are the oldest requests currently not fulfilled.

nightborne had physical changes caused by their isolation with the nightwell, arent druids, dont worship elune, etc.

thalyssra even tell you ‘it changed us’

you cant compare NE/NB to the high elf race. its like vereesa saying, our political opinion ‘it changed us’

And they were given to the Horde. A bold but brilliant move.


No, Blood Elves were given to the Horde. High Elves still exist as a separate population who are connected to the Alliance.


oh and where is this population?

“You want to play a fair-skinned, blond-haired, blue eyed elf? The Horde is waiting for you.”

Seems to me we got the High elves.

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It is seen in every expansion since TBC. I’m not going to go dig up that imgur link or a list of every High Elf that Blizzard has included in WoW just because you don’t want to acknowledge the truth of their existence.