High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

and that matters because…?

As far as gameplay is concerned there will be no issues telling friend from foe. It is really simple. If you can attack it it isn’t your ally.

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Friendly reminder that it’s the definition of hypocrisy to claim that High Elves would infringe upon Blood Elf/Horde identity when giving them to the Horde did that to the Alliance in the first place.

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Because he just got done saying that the core issue is they are playable by political identification alone

yes but how does that become an issue?

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That’s not true at all. The Blood elves were given to the Horde as part of their story. It doesn’t matter that you don’t agree with that.


Half elves would be a compromise.

Blood elves with tattoos and blue eyes are not a compromise.

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Because the entire idea is that they Are different enough yes? I’m saying that being unable to distinguish the two visually would infringe on the Blood Elves. So things like tattoos or stances at the very least must be implemented.

Blood Elves were given to the Horde because the Horde had significantly fewer players. Their story after TBC flows directly from that rather than organic development. High Elves are still part of the Alliance’s identity to this day.

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It’s disingenuous not because the feeling itself doesn’t exist, but because people are so willing to consider their position valid when it suits them but let it slide when it already happened and doesn’t affect them, and instead change the rhetoric to be “How it’s totally not infringement with the NB” because conceding otherwise strips them of their argument.

And yet, NB exist and the world didn’t die, and most NE players have FAR worse things to be concerned about RN than NB taking a page from their past.

Considering that Pandaren already exist -and NOTE: I am not saying HE’s should have the same treatment- ideological difference ALREADY has been made to be the sole deciding factor for a race, and the lack of visual differentiation has never been an issue for Tushuii and Huojin.


This again literally does not matter. back then the lead dev coulda had a drunken D n D game and lost a bet and thats how they got on there. It simply does not matter. its history.

If you are going to use that word, please tell us all what from your wants you are willing to give up on for the compromise?

You still trying to pass gameplay reasons while ignoring the fact that they progressed their story from where it left off at the end of warcraft 3 as a reason to try to delegitimze them…

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and you do realize that one of our core suggestions is to include half elf customization yes?

Half elves are high elves simply put. WoW has shown us both in game and outside of it that half elves are integrated into high elven society.

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Do you remember when we were first told about the ARs being a thing?

So you want both?


No, half elves are half elves. They don’t threaten to cheapen the story of blood elves and they have better chances of looking different for a long established reason since 2 of the 3 half elves we’ve seen in game have the human model.

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Our suggestions to to alter the model is our compromise that we can’t have the blood elf model. So far the anti side has countered with we are not allowed to alter the model.

It can’t be both ways. Antis have to pick one or the other.


They don’t. Another position is that they have said no period to getting them in any other shape and form than the VE’s.

half elves are high elves. WoW has portrayed them as not having a separate society from high elves. The fact of the matter is they are one people. They are part of the same group. They can’t be separated.

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But you got the unaltered model with a new paint job, and so far all of the proposed new models are just basically “Blood Elves, but…”

You’re right that it doesn’t matter. All that matters is High Elves still exist as a separate population from Blood Elves and they can be made playable because Blood Elves being Horde doesn’t preclude their branch of the story from progressing (and never has, as their participation as Alliance NPCs in every expansion since TBC proves).

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