High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

The in game model is good too, blizz went wrong with not using those models, or at least built off them. It’s more flattering than the stick figure Barbie dolls.

That is true and I agree; But the thing is these “High Elves” from a new place wouldn’t be the HE’s we’d like to be playable, the backstory, the lore, the connections. None of that.

They could be cool, as cool as NB were conceptually, but would be as close as the HE’s we want as VE’s are (even if done infinitive better)

I have said it before and I will say it again; If they had used the Silver Covenant to create the Void Elves, things would have been so, so much different. VE’s are a half baked concept that could have been so much more; making them already part of the alliance could have made them so much more relevant in the present conflict as they already had a relationship with Jaina, and we could have seen them more involved in zones like Stormsong with the Void.

There’s just a lot of possibilities that got wasted by making them a group of BE’s that are barely “proving their worth” to the alliance, when they could have been way past that if they had been SC.


I never thought Alexxstraza went over well in heroes of the storm. Because we can see her Warcraft. She even had her own model. So… I think that model would have went over better if it were someone else.

I felt like maybe they were using it to get rid of crazy blood mages…

but then they started doing literal blood magic in Nazmir. So… shrugs Sin’dorei are in such a weird place right now.

Redeemed by the light… maybe… but like… Sanguine Knights and crazed scryers in the swamp.

Well in lore, yes I certainly do agree with you but as the most popular and frequently chosen race on the Horde they’ve sort of gained an identity with them from a gameplay perspective. Blonde, pale Elf coming your way? Hordie!

As someone who loves Blood Elves I can say that I’ve never felt they truly belonged from a storytelling perspective, especially when all the gear on the Horde side is covered in horns, skulls, and bones. It always felt like they were shoe-horned into the faction.

At this point just make a third faction all Elves. c:

Yeah this is why I spend most of my time in Dalaran or Silvermoon, I can’t take the theme of Orgrimmar for very long.

That is a problem, well minus Zuldazar. They need to update Silvermoon or Ogrimar to better reflect the Horde. Draza’Lor is its own thing and I don’t consider the Orcs to look at home there either. The junk and Aztec themes aren’t at all similar.

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update silvermoon and make half of suramar completely horde friendly :+1:

the rp dream

Not using it is such a waste.

The problem with Orgrimmar is it isn’t really a city, there’s none of the little details a population centre might need like forsaken and blood elf districts or even houses for its people.

I still think the best thing is to make bring Vereesa to the foreground and have her unite the groups of high elves for the alliance. There have been ideas for how to do this, such as tensions rising between helves and belves again, making it necessary for the high elves to band together.

And I think simple changes could make their silhouette distinct. A new stance and a different body type would both be a good start.


I don’t have that association… I like Elves but even then I still view Blood Elves when I’m playing on the Alliance as essentially a mobile, living Goldshire.

Orcs, Trolls and Tauren strike me as the Horde.

Somehow even undead, even though that was always a marriage of convenience.

They were shoehorned into the faction. Which is fine. I think it was a good choice. But they still stand separate from the Horde. Maybe Lor’themar will become Warchief.

I don’t know if there is a way to marry the Horde aesthetic and the Blood Elf one though. Though you see them try with the Blood Elf Champions in Vol’dun.

Like I said, I think the Nightborne will help. But the thing is that the NIghtbornes clothing pulls off an Egyptian vibe so they can kind of get away with it. They look just noble savage enough, even though they’re sophisticated.

Yeah but they won’t split the playerbase anymore. also now that there is a contrived NIghtborne Night Elf split I don’t think it feels right.

Also… like… putting Blood Elves and High Elves back together would be bad I think. Blood Elves have an opportunity to keep becoming something new and different and High Elves give them a way to do that more.

But they’re really struggling to have a sense of identity post BC. A shame their content got cut in WOD.

Yeah. I can’t either. I’ve got a Farstrider that can hang out. But my Paladin and Mage… not so much.

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Yeah but I don’t know what a Sin’dorei/Rest of the Horde fusion even looks like…

Nightborne and Sin’dorei have one architectural style and the rest of the Horde has a totally different one.

I wonder how the Draenei get away with it? I’ve like. Never questioned it. I’m just like, “Yeah they’re high tech.” But I’ve never thought it’s weird when they’re around. haha.

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It’s problematic in that it prevents people who want to do the ‘elf thing’ from doing the ‘elf thing’. Even without the elf thing, it isn’t something that apeals to a lot of people. None of this wouldn be so bad if they didn’t funnel us all there and made everything it has to offer available at the other Horde cities. Even if you’re happy with the savage junk theme, the whole place is a jumble. Nothing looks like it’s where it’s supposed to be. Anything they didn’t know what to do with they just threw on top. Why is the portal room in the front gate? It’s just a mess.

They really need to provide alternatives.

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We already had Gnomes and they don’t build settlements.


It’s because they designed Newgrimmar as a raid rather than a good city.

Keep in mind that it’s directly next to Azshara so there’s plenty of Highborne stuff they could do in Orgrimmar. They could even do a little area with Highborne ruins in the city where the Nightborne and blood elves congregate.

Except the one that got gassed and the latest dungeon.

I wish they wouldn’t have herded us to the two major cities.

It was awesome choosing where you wanted to go spend time as far as there being a hub. I used to spend time in Darnassus back when player density really made me lag… kills the idea of each race being independently powerful in their own right.


I was talking about Draenei.

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Shattrath springs to mind.

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Except Shattarah (does AU Shattarah count seperatly?) and all the villages on Dreanor. Not to mention all the ruins on Argus. Come to think of it for a not very popular race they sure get a lot of attention.

Beat me to it.