High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Guess he probably shouldn’t have allowed the horde to stage attacks on farming towns in Kul’tiras if he didn’t want to be part of a war.

And at least he had the option of surrender. Unlike all the innocents that burned to death in Teldrassil because the banshee was triggered.


What’s worst about it, is that it happened all because Sylvanas took one look at a piece of azerite and immediately went, “GIMME GIMME GIMME! MINE MINE MINE! KILL THEM, SO THEY CAN’T TAKE IT!”


i had a troll doll as a child with that hair. they were cute. zanda are good looking. female trolls are cute. but the male trolls from vanilla. that be some ugly mon. had a cool dance and accent though. trolls lived under bridges and scared people. lol in lore, cave trolls were huge monsters. trolls are a traditional monster race. blizz turned it upside down and made them nicer. doesnt mean they were any better looking, just have better alignments.

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what the heck did rastakhan have to do with teldrassil

“I can’t spare troops. I don’t want to overextend, and I want to deal with the Zandalar threat that’s closer to the Alliance’s main forces.”


Your lore is why you lost. You’re a bunch of half naked savages, who can’t figure out they might win a war if they put on some decent armor.

Good point!
Aside from the faction players (good job btw), the Horde mains were conspicuous by their absence.
:+1: AND a whole lotta :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:

Absolutely nothing… another vain attempt for Anduin to flex his muscles.

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Jaina threw a temper tantrum and did also.

Horde Bias is the Horde being written out of the story, so they can sit at home and take a vacation while the Alliance does all the work.


Supposedly the war was because the Alliance was hogging it, it’s like: Have you tried trade? Diplomacy? Isn’t it in your backyard?

The whole tree thing was a little extra.

Nothing, I am just saying the alliance gave him the option to surrender instead of burning down the whole city, children and all.


It’s not that he didn’t want to help her, but that he lacked the manpower to do so. He did say that he wished he could.

Thrall was all like, “Hey babe, :kissing_heart: you don’t gotta drown those people.” We all know what’s what.

interesting i may have to do the lfr on my female gnome i started to get the bee mount :thinking:

It’s not the armor at all?? The night elves were more than capable of defending themselves… our military was down around silithus at the time I believe.

All Anduin had to do was just blow up their fleet? Not raid the city putting more alliance soldiers at risk? Tactically dumb move… an invasion on the level he pulled was too costly vs the benefit… so yet again. He’s is absolutely worthless.

Well, it is kinda hard to trade with someone who would sooner shove an axe into your face, than listen to a word you said.

If I broke into your house and then killed you, would saying ‘well I offered to just kidnap you before I killed you’ make it okay?

Totally! My Horde spies …erm…ALTS. I said ‘alts’.
My alts report that its in a VERY good place to be taken over by a raid.
Just try that in Stormwind and see what happens.
Still sucks what they did with portals, overall.

And wasn’t Jaina all…BUT nooo. The Horde can’t come to Dalaran. Its not FAAAAIIRRR. YOU ARENT MY REAL MOM. I am going to my room and gonna text my friends.

I’m mostly Alliance these days.

Sure, if I were letting people rest at my house before they went out to murder your children.