High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Still more well reasoned than your head cannon? Wasn’t that my point?

That’s rich. Are you aware of your bias? Your entire thing is to argue and spam your head cannon into existence.


My head canon that blood elves can either have or have not blue eyes and it’s either an oversight or there is a reason they can’t so far in game…

Really dude?

So you don’t undertstand the difference between an argument and presenting something as facts, good to know.

Please point me to somewhere I have misrepresented my argument as a fact.

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There are no defined rules for how magic corruption or how high elf eyes work, so yeah, your argument is head cannon.

…and as you are aware, I was referring to playable Alliance high elves, and any statement other than they are a niche part of the lore used only to allow Alliance players to participate in the Blood Elf story line is head cannon.


But still BE’s should already have Blue Eyes… Even when you admit “There are no defined rules for how magic corruption or how high elf eyes work” basically saying either can be true.

How can this lack of awareness exist.

Don’t worry, I already know you don’t understand the notion of “having an idea for something” and “No, these are facts”


Here we go!
Gets out the :popcorn: and :beer:; settles back to watch the show

Speaking of bad faith, that is a construct of your making.

I wasn’t making an argument, I was expressing an opinion.
In this thread I did not express my reasoning, and had I it’d be decried as an off-topic post. I’d be happy to start another thread on the topic… though I have a feeling the same circle we see in here will show up to silence it.

…but then again, you’re just trying to poke the bear. Bad faith.


it is absurd because that isn’t what happened.
99% of the high elf forces withdrew from the alliance after WC2.
WC happened, and 90% of the total population of high elves died.
So right off the bat, blood elves were nine times higher in numbers than the high elves who represented 1% of their population prior to its annihilation.
There was no political ambiguity.
There was no matter of “well high elves are as represented as blood elves.”.
There was no such thing.

Blood elves then become playable.


Yes. But Highmountain was changed to be on one faction. This is a perfect example of lore changing for ARs. Which is the whole point of this discussion.

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I don’t think so. Neither the Alliance nor Horde necessarily helped anyone in Legion (well other then Suramar), we were there as independent actors organized by our class hall. Even then, the way we experience the game isn’t lore. In cannon Alliance players might not have helped the High Mountain much at all.

In cannon we don’t even kill the bosses in raids. We were just foot soldiers and the writer’s role playing characters do it.

So…lore matters until it doesnt again.
So if void elves were changed to be high elves, would you be happy?


High elves being their own AR would be best.


Okay, we get that’s what you want, but if Void Elves had been made up from the remaining Alliance high elves rather than Blood Elves would you have been happy with that?

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You’ve basically ignored the underlying point, by focusing on the one peculiar distinction – in any case, I’m going to redo the 1-20 experience right now, so I’ll let you know.

You’re thinking of the Silver Covenant, Guz.

Alliance-friendly and Alliance-aligned High Elves have been in WoW since launch.

A synonym for the word lore is history. We’re talking about ways in which things could change, without requiring any changes to history, so as the render the High Elves sufficiently unique in the future – there’s nothing hypocritical about it. :man_shrugging:


This. Void Elves being High Elves doesn’t make sense because they followed Kael’thas changing them to Blood Elves.


Some would have been fine with it, not me personally. I don’t care for the void theme, especially not as a race.

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Okay, that aside he was asking a hypothetical. You’re dodging it.

If instead of Void Elves being Blood Elves looking for an alternative to the Sun Well, they were Alliance high elves, would you have been happy with it?

According to what?

Went over this last night. The one and only source you can cite to, the Warcraft Encyclopedia, does not actually say this. So, again, according to what?

You’re actually right here – because in the original game High Elves were represented as members and/or affiliates of the Alliance, whereas Blood Elves were hostile to everyone. The HE’s have been feeding the Alliance-side narrative longer than the BE’s have been fueling the Horde’s. :man_shrugging:


It’s possible they used belfs for void elves to test the waters, and to see if they were good enough for helf fans, without ruling out high elves just in case.

Sure, or they intend for there to be so few Alliance high elves that they could not have even filled that role. Comments from devs would seem to suggest that.


Hypothetically lol. Ok fine ill take the bait. No. Void Elves coming from High Elf stock would not do it for me. Were looking for untainted Elves to play.

Inb4 “so you want fair skinned elves. Play blood elves lolol troll response”

This is not what we’re asking for.