High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

To be clear to the people arguing against it, I really don’t give a d*mn about your arguments, because let’s be real, if Blizzard decided to give the alliance High Elves, that’s literally what they would do. They’ve already proven they’re not above steamrolling their lore’s internal consistency for the sake of adding something they think is “cool.” With that in mind, bothering to list any reason why this is not possible is kind of silly.


The developed led don’t write the story. They have writers to do that, and an art department to make assets. Making a video game is a huge undertaking with lots of different hats.

I know. Im saying after they torched the “anyone that isn’t a developer” staff, I’m guessing they aren’t in the market for writers, artists, etc.


I guess you Helfers can just pack it up then, because Blozzard already decided what was cool, and that’s Blood Elves and Void Elves, not vanilla paste good guy Legolas elves.


Multiple people have done so multiple times in this and previous threads already.


Blizzard also decided, once upon a time, that this game could do without flying, and, well… we all know how that turned out, so.

I’m not about to say with any finality that High Elves aren’t possible.


I’ve read this whole thread and I’m pretty sure my four year old daughter could come up with a better story in crayon :crayon: than what I’ve read in this thread. Good guy elves are a trope and I think the Blood Elves have an awesome story. So too do the Ren’dorei and the Nightborne.


Nightborne and void elves; absolutely no presence in game or books or anywhere until less than a year ago.
Blood Elves; followers of Aegon Targa…Kael’thas the ‘I’m your savior trust me’ who renamed the elves silly enough to hang around. The rest, the SMART one, were still in Dalaran and indeed all over the place.

You don’t hate any other race, Allied or otherwise; just High Elves.


I mean, Blizzard writers also seem to think High Elves have an awesome story, with how they kept them around and continue to use them to this day. Even giving them more story than actually playable races on occasion.


Yes because I can fly in the new zones right now if I want and there are no threads about it.

We’ll be flying about a month from now, but the original plan was to not have flying, ever, so…

I know it might be hard to handle, but Ion’s word isn’t written in stone. He can change his mind. He has changed his mind about things before. So who’s to say he won’t change his mind if enough solid arguments crop up?


They’ve shown they can compromise which is what they did, they gave you void elves. Compromise isn’t you getting exactly what you want.

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the decision to reverse no more flying was reversed within 2 months something the pro high elf community hasnt managed in over 12 years now

so it either isnt as big a deal to people or blizzard thinks its a hill worth dying on

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There’s a very weird expectation that seems almost specific to Blizzard and WoW in particular, in that the playerbase seems to expect that the word of devs is a precedent setting, concrete thing that can’t ever be changed.

Game devs change their mind all the time on all sorts of things. I t’s the nature of their jobs. You don’t close and lock doors and say ‘this will never happen’ because in reality, things change, and something you may have decided not to do previously may turn out to be a very good idea later on. These sorts of discussions are all ongoing.


Allied Races haven’t existed for 12 years


tbf, alliance have been asking for this before AR

it was a popular topic before wod launched. bellular even made a video at the time

Uhm, for the record, I don’t actually want this for myself. I have a void elf warlock, and honestly, flimsy lore be damned, she looks really cool so that’s all I care about. But other people want high elves, and they want it enough to make a thread with concept art and justifications grounded in lore as to why they should be a thing, and I support that, because why not? It won’t hurt my enjoyment of the game that high elves become playable. Will it hurt yours?


But never before we had a system to implement races so easily and quickly, reusing assets and ditching starting zones.


alliance high elves already failed the test for AR. this is backed by developers in interviews

so far every AR has been a variant of an existing playable race

alliance high elves would be a duplicate of blood elves as they have the same themes and aesthetics. thats why you got void elves

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Alliance High Elves aren’t out of the table. This is backed by developers in interviews and Q&As.