I don’t, they’re absent in the assaults, and warfronts.
Which is strange because the assaults are surprisingly inclusive to all the Alliance races. Lots of void elves, Lightforged Draenei and Dark iron dwarves. Gnomes and Dwarves in the airships with Worgen captains. But there hasn’t ever been any High elves I’ve encountered as of yet.
They were pretty bad. The whole zone was a timegated mess, the aesthetic of it was horrible. A bunch of white and sparkly trash. A dumb stealth mechanic, the demons occupying the place instead of just slaughtering them all.
In light of everything that happened following Mop yes Jaina did nothing wrong.
Just the way I see it.
The Sunreavers were welcomed back in due to the dire circumstances of the legion invading azeroth… of course they had to write them back into the Frey.
These are the kind of instances that give me hope as an alliance player. Some questionable stuff that doesn’t make the horde seem like the sole mustache twirling bad guy.