High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

…this to perpetuate a RACE WAR, of which a lot of us are getting sick.

only for me?
And no one else?
When the others do, I will.

Night elves and nightborne are as different from each other as night and later that night.


They look very different to me.

I speak for the many antis that make countless threads arguing why they’re against playable High elves.

It’s STILL the thalassian model, and despite some not liking them they are the most popular allied race in the game.

Because it’s the SAME theme of the Blood Elves, an already existing playable race on the opposite faction.

Many more players stand for? There are stances for, and against playable High elves but there is no saying which side has more followers. The fact is both exist, and that the argument furthered by those against it mirror the arguments Ion made on why they have no plans in the future on implementing them. We can either ignore the problems players have with the idea and add them anyway, or respect why players are against them.

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Well that’s just like, your opinion, man.


well if you make every alliance race have to be cleared by the horde first, the alliance wont get anything they ask for. it shouldnt be based on what the opposing faction wants in a game where two factions have been taught to not like each other.

Not to me. Thematically they aren’t super different either.

Oh one has moonwells and the other had a nightwell!

Give the high elves a dawnwell.

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Hopefully faction barriers are relinquished so that all players are allowed to play on either faction and this argument becomes moot.

They are very different thematically because the nightborne represent the high cast, and the night elves are more nature based.
Certainly they stemmed from the same origin but they diverged.

High elves have the sunwell. Why would they have a…dawnwell which is the same thing?


then we can team up and ask the devs to make stuff as one voice. at that point, they sell it to disney lol

This was what you suggested Shandris had said.

This is what she actually said.

Your statement intones that Shandris was vehemently against the Highborne, with the implication being that such sentiments were commonplace, whereas her actual words are merely reflective of her duty to uphold the law (as it had existed, up until that point).

It isn’t suggestive of a widespread disdain for the Highborne, and it certainly isn’t proof of anything.

It absolutely does, when they’re depicted in this expansion as having none of the qualms you’re ascribing to them.

And which Night Elves might these be? You clearly can’t count Shandris among them, so who else?

It isn’t me making that argument, it’s Blizzard. If you don’t believe it, that’s fine, but that absolutely relegates your opinion(s) on the subject to little more than headcanon. :man_shrugging:

This is exactly what you said before, and I’m specifically asking which High Elves you’re referring to – because in-game, all indicators point to the predominating majority of the High Elves being from Theramore (via Dalaran) and, thus, would’ve been a part of the Alliance for decades prior to the Night Elves joining.

When you say “many High Elves joined after the Third War”, I can’t even think up a single Alliance-aligned HE who this statement rings true for.

  1. This was in Classic.
  2. It doesn’t, at all, indicate that their distrust is growing perpetually worse – which was your original assertion.


It is literally hundreds or even thousands of Night Elves, witnessing the Highborne arrive to save them from certain death, and who cheer them on as heroes. It isn’t just a smattering of individuals – and this heroism in Teldrassil is then followed up with the Highborne showing up bigtime in the Battle for Darkshore. Sure sounds like the Night Elves are ramping up their hatred for the Highborne. :man_shrugging:

You keep citing to this quest, from like 7 years ago in-universe, implying that it is somehow more accurate than dozens of quests as recently added as a couple months ago in-universe. That is the definition of headcanon. :man_shrugging:

I’m not going to cite the entire thing, because it’s log-winded, but Page 3 (Section 2) demonstrates that the Highborne are trusted even within the most sacred areas of Darnassus – and that they’re allowed to treat with foreign dignitaries on behalf of Darnassus.

This an excerpt from Page 3 (Section 3):

When a portal whirled open, the normally reserved night elves cheered. The magi who stepped through, who until this moment had only cautiously been made welcome in Darnassus, smiled in surprise. The cheers swelled when they each opened another portal—and reached a crescendo as, over the course of several minutes (and with not a few interruptions), a dozen bears, birds, and nightsabers came through.

Thank you, Shan’do.

“We will need your fire,” Delaryn said to two of the magi, who had introduced themselves as Sarvonis and Ralara. “We have things to burn.”

Your original assertion was that it wouldn’t make sense for Night Elves, Highborne, and Nightborne to bury the hatchet – which is what spawned all of this. So, legitimately, I’m not sure how any of what you’re saying in this final paragraph relates to that subject matter at all.


Because nightborne had a nightwell which somehow isn’t the same as a moonwell whereas apparently a dawnwell and a sunwell would be the same?

then you say


Why not? There are a few things I have problems with, with some of the classes and races and a few of the venues. do I say ‘remove them for they offend me’’?
No, I don’t for I am not so selfish or self-centered as to believe that my happiness and fulfillment can only come through the denial of others.


The nightwell was made of pure arcane energy augmented by the eye of aman’thul. They are very different in their nature. It was created to provide them arcane energy to feed on since they had no access to a well of eternity and did not ahve access to nightwells which were created AFTER the matter with the legion.

The sunwell feeds high elves as well, there is no reason for them to have a dawn well

You just invented the concept while placing the word ‘visual’ just so you can come out of nowhere with inconsequential arguments.

This is a falsehood.

First of all, if HE get added, they will get development on their visuals. Even the Lightforged and the Highmountain got some aesthetic development when added as an allied race, that’s the way they do it, by polishing and adding.

Pandaren are an actual copy in both factions, taking that into account you simply can’t say High elves are one, given that in their unplayable state they already have not only aesthetic, but also physical differences.

High elves, by lore, that thing you seem to care about, don’t want to be mistaken as Blood elves. That should give you a hint on why that phrase is inconsequential and a bad argument.

Thinking it’s irrational when not being capable to understand (or at least, not acknowledging properly based on pure spite) basic concepts about the High elves is a -you- problem.

Also… Where did the devs say their community of players have rational problems? That would be a nice headline most of us would have been aware of.

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Eh, I’ve given up on trying to keep Hyper focused on wow, so I’m just left with calling out wild speculation masquerading as fact that we have no idea how the numbers run one way or the other.

Id rather see high elves leave the well theme behind completely in some form or fashion.


The quel’danil elves would be a good candidate for that. I would love to see the high elves distance themselves further from blood elves, getting closer to nature, or pursuing shamanic magic or something.


Then please don’t spread misinformation.

High elves don’t have the same culture as Blood elves.

Just in the most basic level of High elf concept, they don’t live in Quel’thalas or have anything to do with them. They are fully citizens of the Alliance.

Their connection with the Sunwell is different given they have never been harmonized with the essence of M’uru.

Their relationship with magic is different given what we can see with the Quel’danil elves and by the logic that even if the Sunwell has pilgrimage allowed for them, it’s still Sin’dorei property, nobody can believe they can still go there as if nothing happens during BfA, almost a world war between the two factions (if it’s not already considered one).

If you just keep yourself into the shallow aspect of it, sure, anything could be pointed out that way.

Bulls and Cows with antlers, Even more light focused Draenei, Blood elved Night elves, Fat Humans, etc…