High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Unless one is willing to accept incredible birthrates AND insanely advanced maturation with no possibility of crippling mutations, we will have to say


are you talking about me? i’ve already apologized. jeez.

btw my toon is male and i am not. if you’re going to talk about me i’m a woman.

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Oh snap, you sure showed me. I’ve totally used headcanon.
Which is why you can never quote me on it.

That does not contradict anything I have stated given the percentages I gave you were given by the game itself. So
you just seek to argue for the sake of arguing.

That is because that was not the point of the post. Your comment of headcanon was in regards to high elves wishing to see the sunwell. So of course it won’t contradict it, it had nothing to do with your posts afterwards.

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Yes but that doesn’t stop people from pretending it matters.

check it out: void elves. we’re all we got. we cant tap the belf populace for more recruits. we’ve been evicted from silvermoon cause lil void critters spawn from the sunwell and a void lord tries to come thru the portal if we get near it.

No, I wasn’t referring to you I was referring to Drede.

oh okay. sorry.

In terms of high elves? It was a statement made by one of the devs sometime back about why they weren’t playable and would not be.
They haven’t redacted on the matter as of yet.

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all 12 velves that existed were killed during the alliance war campaign. so ally should get something for their now extinct allied race. :stuck_out_tongue:



It’s apparent that either a) you didn’t actually read Elegy or b) you read all of it, and understood none of it. In either case, the assertion above is patently untrue. :man_shrugging:

I find this point interesting, considering that the bulk of the High Elves have been a part of the Alliance since roughly Year 6, whereas the Night Elves joined (at the earliest) in Year 21. Your comment implies the NE’s were in the Alliance first, which is also patently false.

This one goes on the list of decidedly false things you’ve stated in your post, thus far. It isn’t the High Elves, who are actively participating in the Alliance at this point, who are met with suspicion – rather, it is Blood Elves who the Alliance are concerned about.

Two entirely different groupings.

This hasn’t been the case for at least a half-decade, in-universe, and for more specificity I would recommend you read Elegy.

Elegy, friend, Elegy. Also, you might consider not citing to lore from like 12 years ago to make points about today’s Azeroth. :man_shrugging:

Actually, 27. Who’s counting though?


there might be 12 lightforged draenei on the vindicaar. might. dont quote me. meanwhile theres like 75+ high elves in the game that apparently all forgot how to reproduce


It amazes me that people still think blonde-haired, blue-eyed High Elves on the Alliance will be a justifiable when you already have Void Elves.

If Blizzard is going to (somehow) introduce them as a playable race, it will probably be next decade.

It’s also more likely that Blizzard will give Blood Elves blue-eyes to shutdown the argument for blonde-haired, blue-eyed High Elves on the Alliance. I can only hope the latter is true to stop all the “I want Alliance High-Elves threads”.

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You mean when a tiny number of them did that. The vast majority of the Highborne cast still alive was busy hiding out under a dome for 10,000 years with their Legion overlords while much of the world was bathed in blood and war - which is why Tyrande metaphorically raked Thalyssra over the coals in Suramar.

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I understand; I hope you know my rants are against Blizzard’s practices, not the results.
Who knows, I may actually play a few of these races myself one day, as I do firmly believe in the ‘mile in your boots’ philosophy.

Same here.

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Right, I guess Shandris didn’t say she would have killed them on sight if it weren’t for Tyrande. Or that the Night elven Sentinals didn’t literally say that they still hold the Highborne responsible for their actions in the past. What was I thinking.

There were many High elves that returned to the alliance after the third war, and were stated to have been greeted coldly by the alliance for abandoning them when they needed it most. They warned the alliance about their actions regarding the legion and the sundering.

The sentinels literally collaberate this pont when you speak to them regarding the Highborne mage trainers. They quite literally say they still blame them for their actions in the past. I cannot understand why you think this is false or untrue.

There is nothing in Elegy that suggests that Night elves as a society have accepted the Highborne, or High elves, or have forgiven them for their past. If you have any evidence that suggests otherwise, you could either post it here or stop citing Elegy.

Again, cite your evidence or don’t respond at all.

Yes twenty seven, over what? The thousands of years between High and Night elves?

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The 37% population is not supported by lore.

That set of three words does not go together. Neither High Elves or Blood Elves are Highborne. They are descended from them, they are not them.

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Actually there is a ready supply of Thalassian Elves that could be brought over to the Void who didn’t exile you. :wink:

yeah but then they wouldnt be able to pilgrimage to the sunwell.