High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I’m intrigued why they added a Valeera model.
It’s far from one of the most important NPCs. What’s the purpose? Will she had a special role going forward?

BTW, green eyes. To remind the antis that blood elves consumed fel.


yeah, was a bit confused. thought you meant her. now i get you meant him. when you said human form, i thought you meant literal human form .

Worgen and Goblins have all of the Monk animations in the model viewer.

I think this confirm they are going to be able to be monks in the future, maybe even in the patch.

They would not do all those animations just for the lulz


doesnt do anything for me at this point.

omg i want a worgen monk!!! -.-

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There’s also Golden Eyes for Humans if they are Priests and Paladins. I would love Yellow Eyes just like Blood Elves.


i gotta see this. the whole eye or just the pupil?

that would be cool if all pallies got them. :slight_smile:

Didnt they retcon Blood Elves consuming fel? That the green eyes just came from their proximity to it. Something like that. They consumed the magic essences of being but not fel power.

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I was just being brief. They absorbed fel into their bodies anyway.

Human Paladin Yellow Eyes like this. https://twitter.com/empressshadows/status/1156428875846606849/photo/2

Checking out the male worgen animations in the WoWHead model preview, and holy molly, they look awesomely savage.

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I think that all Races that have Paladins should have access to a couple of faces with golden eyes, just like what they did with the Blood Elves.

Some Blood Elves did in fact consume Fel. And they became the Felblood.

Through if other races get Golden Eyes. We’ll be seeing Golden Eye Dwarves, Tauren, Regular Draenei, and Zandalari.

you scared me. i thought you had linked ptr playable felblood elves lol

Because velves did not exist until a few MONTHS ago?
Maybe this yes?
Show me any previous threads which say ‘we want voids’ and i’ll concede.
I’ll wait.

you have a Human race; they’re Undead but by your logic that doesn’t count.

No it isn’t.
HIGH ELVES were never in the Horde; they told Kael the KOO-Koo to eff off and went away. the BLOOD ELVES are the ones who stayed and started torturing the Na’aru and sucking mana chips from the floor.
BIG diff.

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until we get playable undead nelves or whatever else undeads are humans and only humans. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not really new, but worth a look:

That would have set this thread on fire, lol

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