High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

No, new customization options are not exclusive to factions. Humans and blood elves have copies of the same hairstyles. Not all of them of course, but there are hairstyle options both races can use.

And whether they are sold as a different race or not, the argument is the same. The allied races are currently based on the current races. Nightborne use a slightly altered night elf model. So the hair, earring, and tattoo options could have gone to night elves if the nightborne weren’t playable.

It’s the same thing some people are arguing about here. Resources that could go to blood elves would be used for high elves. But us night elves have to deal with seeing that, and we survive.

Besides, I wouldn’t personally object to customization options being available cross faction. Like I said, belves and humans already share some hairstyles anyway. There might be shared among other races too.


You’re being very combative in nature, I asked you a question. Does this mean you’re acknowledging your actions and that they detract from the argument? It’s not hard to give a yes or no.
I get you are displeased with the opposition you have encountered, but this combative tone doesn’t serve to assist your argument.
It just comes across as the ProHelf group falling to pieces because this combative tone and action has happened with five posters now.

We got a couple. Its sort of a slippery slope. Depending on your point of view.
Some kultirans let us use there dock and they are friendly.

We got leper gnome servants serving the forsaken.

Night elf forsaken dark rangers and probably some captured civilians that may switch sides.

Gazlowe getting along with the mechagnome prince ; p

Then you can maybe see void elves that didnt switch sides and respected the exile but no proof so far of that.

Id say night elves or humans are our best bet unless we get some lore.

Honestly, I wish we could play as neutral factions sometimes. I have druids and shammys who would prefer to focus on cleansing things and studying the elements etc, instead of getting caught up in pointless conflicts over and over.

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With how they did pandaren dirty, id expect a neutral faction to not receive good writing ever

You admitted to purposely being combative/antagonistic. No one has to give respect to anyone that acts like that.

That the AntiHelf side continues to come in and be antagonistic doesn’t mean that the ProHelf side has to put up with it.

Also, in case you didn’t know, we are only responsible for our own actions. Even Lore stated himself and players tend to do a lot of “speaking for others” when realistically you can only speak for yourself.

This happens on both sides, so trying to point out only one end doesn’t do anything but show bias.


Isnt that kind of the point?

None of these are on the level of High Elves though, which is the crucial difference.

You don’t go around seeing anyone talk about how faithful Jinyu are to the Alliance for instance, because their contained in one moment.

High Elves aren’t. They’re the only Alliance NPC race that moves through multiple expansions aiding the Alliance and still aren’t playable.

Horde has no equivalent to the High Elves in this regard.


What point?

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The point of the whole anti and pro parties. One side stands firm and one side attacks

Given what the horde did to the pandaren I have no idea why any would choose the horde honestly. In the horde start area, pandas are helping out at an alliance fort, but it’s all adult pandas and no one appears to be guarding them.

Alliance side, you go to the horde outpost, and they have ONLY children, being guarded by demonic eyes doing forced labor.

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Because Ji > Aysa

Could be “Fogtide Humans” as an Horde Allied Race, Humans with piratey customization. Sounds good to me.

There are some in Silvermoon too, but they aren’t doing it willfully. I don’t know how many people would play a Leper Gnome, probably more than the people that will play Mechagnomes. Can be an Allied Race, all it needs is Blizzard wanting to do it actually.

I don’t know if any Night Elf civilian would side with their killers, but those Dark Rangers did and i can’t negate that. But many don’t like the Night Elf Forsaken concept as an Allied Race, and honestly i see a lot of Horde players against it.

It all falls down to Blizzard wanting to do something, no argument against can change this.

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Elune has forsaken them, didnt you hear Sira?

Ji is pretty awesome. I think those two crazy kids should work out their differences though.

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I mean they are married, i believe

Are they? Family time must be awkward.

“How was work today dear?”
“Oh it was fine, I just killed a bunch of your horde friends.”

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That would require her to get off the boat, she has alleria syndrome.

Unless it happened in some novel, no, they’re not.

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My mistake then, i must have thought it was implied in War Crimes…but hey them receiving no writing is about the norm