High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

You will have to give me a bit, busy day today, but I do recall it being stated the elves on outland felt its restoration.

When Rommath originally returned to Silvermoon, many of those high elves had returned after its fall. It was why the schism started in the first place, because if there were high elves who only stayed at Quel’Danil and went nowhere else, then the schism would have been smaller.
Vereesa had to explain how silvermoon fell to Alleria iirc, and it was there she also learned about Sylvanas’ fall.

The whole issue of passive magic alleviating the symptoms doesn’t sound correct because again, we had Kael’thas who had 3 powerful artifacts floating over his head directly and he still made mention of how empty he and his people felt.

That’s still years dude, five years as a mana addict without a proper fix? If magical artifacts were enough to simply help alleviate the symptoms then why did no one make mention of it? Why didn’t Kael’thas mention it despite having those three artifacts with him at all times?
kael’thas was desperate, yes, but he was also pragmatic. He did not immediately accept the Naga’s help until after he was sure there were no strings attached to it.
WoW did Kael’thas wrong, because in WC3 he is much more different.

IIRC, it is suggested that the sunwell and the thalassian elves are linked to each other which is why it affects them so uniquely.

They should just rewrite it to them not wanting to abandon their home. Those far away could be written to carry magical trinkets charged by the sunwell to draw off of. Or we could see gold crystals around blood elf encampments. And done. The lore would make sense.


It was until 2011 though. Metzen used to really talk it up as a canon source.

And Finally, De-canonization:

So, Canon from 2003 to 2011.


So it’s all canon unless contradicted in more current iterations.


It’s more like an useful insight into what were the plans for the setting back then, but you can’t consider it canon unless something is confirmed in lore.


No worries! I appreciate you looking.

It’s kind of tricky pegging down the schism, because like I said, it’s kind of multiple events over a duration. Even if the Elves who went on to become the exiled High Elves came back to hear Rommath out before running away/being exiled, that doesn’t necessarily equate to them using/learning how to mana tap.

It’s a grey area, but given we’re talking about what once was the Blood Elf racial ability here, I’d personally put my money on the side of the High Elves either not learning it or refusing to use it, particularly given High Elves tend to have a bit of disdain for Blood Elves for using it (some questgiver in Outland says as much iirc)

Well, keep in mind the Verdant Spheres lost most of their power when Kael’thas used it to help destroy the Sunwell (at least according to Blood of the Highborne), so yeah, they’re magical artifacts, but Kael’s not directly using them for he purpose of empowering himself - most of their stated beneficial stats come from the non-canon RPG, after all. More than anything they’re a memento, once being used to power the shield that protected Silvermoon. If they have any beneficial effects beyond that, we don’t really know.

(that being said, if you’ve got a source that counters what I said, please feel free to correct me :stuck_out_tongue:)

Check what I said again. The timeline is up to five years, but realistically we’re talking anywhere between a few months to a year. But I get your point.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree completely that Kael’s character changed from TFT to TBC, and not for the better, but we have to go by the character he had, not the character he should have had.

Keep in mind at the height of the Blood Elves’ addiction withdrawals - and their desperation - the two greatest known repositories of magical artifacts (Silvermoon and Dalaran) had been destroyed. Rare and powerful magical artifacts were in short supply at the time Kael’Thas made his deal with Vashj to join forces - she was offering the Blood Elves hope for a cure in a way that the Eastern Kingdoms just wasn’t able to at the time. The Alliance was fighting the Scourge and the Legion over the crumbling ruins of Dalaran, and Kael had seen firsthand the ruins of Silvermoon and the way his people were suffering. He didn’t have the time, or the opportunity to really stop and think ‘hey, there must be an alternative solution to this rather than some Hail Mary over that rogue Night Elf we fought against that one time who had enormously powerful magics at his command.’

(Hell, I’d speculate that the primary reason Kael went to help out the ‘New Alliance’ in the ruins of Dalaran in the first place was because he was hoping to find some knowledge or power to help his people.)

Think about it. With Silvermoon and Dalaran destroyed, Kael’Thas didn’t really have:
-a means to study his people’s addiction,
-the time to actually investigate their ailment due to other commitments/pressing matters,
-the magical resources to attempt any alternatives,
-any real font of harnessed magical power to sate his people’s withdrawals with, and
-the opportunity to actually stop and take time to make more considered actions thanks to Garithos’ prejudices.

By the time Kael actually was able to stop for a minute and breathe, he was in Outland with Vashj, and Illidan was his only hope at that point. He didn’t really get a chance or opportunity to take the considered approach before then. By the time he could stop, take stop and think ‘maybe there’s another solution to this’, those options were shut off to him, and that Hail Mary option from Illidan was really his only course of action.


Basically. Which isn’t surprisisng, because the thing that changed by 2011 was Blood Elves.

In the pen and paper RPG, all of the Elves in Quel’thalas were dead. But TBC/Warcraft Chronicles/The Blood of the Highborne reverses that.

Suddenly all of the elves in Quel’thalas weren’t dead.

The RPG has Blood Elves, obviously, Warcraft III does. But it’s just the Blood Elves in Outland with Kael.

the playable Elves in the RPG were High Elves, and with the Silvermoon Remnant added to WoW and Quel’lithian Lodge up there next to Quel’thalas the direction they were headed is pretty obvious.

So the change in direction for TBC is really interesting.

But the Horde needed a pretty race. They say there were internal arguments about Nightborne, would probably have been interesting to see the discussions around Blood Elves being added to the Horde. I know Metzen never thought it fit.


Kind of a mixed bag. In theory, Kael took the remaining Sin’dorei’s best people and then went and joined up with the Alliance to fight the undead.

He just ends up serving under Garithos. They fight through Silverpine and kind of naturally end up at Dalaran.

I’d say your thinking makes sense, but they were kind of stuck doing whatever Garithos told them to do at the time.

Also, all the Elves of Quel’thalas were essentially suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and psychological and physiological withdraw. They were also living in scarcity environment, so all their decision making would be incredibly impaired.


A bit off topic (not a 100% though :wink:), but this guy is doing an amazing work.


Hey guys this is Wallurian and I just want to Apologize for my Meltdown last week where I posted every single person within the WoW Community that had ether harassed me or mocked me. But by doing that I also ruined and broke alot of the Allied Race Communities Trust like the San’layn and High Elf Community as well even hurt some folk’s feelings. So I’m sorry for acting like a raged jerkwad. Was going to say something more but I can’t swear on here so I’m just going to say jerkwad. Sorry for all the things I have done and also ruined and damaged the High Elf Support as well.

I highly Doubt I’ll ever be forgiven on here after all the things I have done over the last couple of months and 2 years and I also highly doubt I’ll ever be accepted back into the High Elf Community as well. So I just want to Apologize and I hope you guys do well with the High Elf Support. Pretty much my Time on here as well as the Support itself has ended after I got banned for 6 days but also banned off of the Community as well. Its probably for the best giving the fact I’m going to be busy this month and that Life itself is drugging me into finding a Work Career. So I probably won’t be spending time on the Forums anymore.

You guys have yourselves a Good Day and Continue the Support and I hope you guys are doing better.


Buddy, it’s the internet. You don’t have to worry about being forgiven for anything*. (Within reason. Obviously creepers should worry about it. But that would be a weird situation on the forums.)

If people are super upset about something you said and aren’t going to forgive you for it then they’ve got people skills issues.


I hope you’re doing well, Wallurian. From what I’ve been told the decision to remove you from the discord was done out of concern for your mental health. The Helf community does not hate you, in truth there are many people who’d like to see you back someday when you’re doing better

But for now it may be best for you to take a step back and breathe for a bit. Many of us here are passionate about seeing High Elves added to the game as an allied race, but it’s not something we want anyone to stress over to the point where it affects their everyday life

If your experiences here on the official forums and MMOC have had an extremely negative effect on your mental health I strongly advise abstaining from it and potentially seeking professional help, should you feel the need

Best of luck, friend. I look forward to the day when we’re both leveling our new Alliance High Elf toons


I remember when I melted down.

Mostly because I’m sentient cheese.

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this was recommended to me after that video ended. subtitled but still cool


What kind of cheese? Pepper jack, I hope


The term is “bigot” if you’re opposed to a thing out of irrational histrionics. Or you can be a “-phobe” if you prefer. That’s what you get for invoking PC BS.


Being a native resident of Texas, I am more inclined to align myself with the Mexican 4-Cheese Blend.

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Stop oppressing me

I’m just enjoying you all falling over yourselves trying to excuse the fact that you’ve literally been calling us brownshirts for two years with your lazily-invented epithet.


Help, help, I’m being repressed!