High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I don’t watch horror movies, so no.

I have watched Captain Planet though, and I may have to call the Planeteers on you.


I would think the Ren’doei would of tried to find a way back to becoming Sin’dorei, the Sin,dorei resolve thing playing into it instead of just joining the Alliance, It was a big deal to the Sin’dorei to rename themselves to become Sin’dorei because of all their fallen brethren and the reason they thought that lead them to situation they were in, politically and Heritage, Allegiance wise. People and Devs tend to forget that part off it why they did what they did… BTW Good Morning all. :slight_smile:


Then you won’t understand.

He’s our hero, gonna take pollution down to zero!

Ahem… Can’t help it.

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If she has a touch of humanity left (or would it be elvanity?) it’s in regards to her sisters. I think you are right though.


DID what I could with what the tools the DEVs give us:



I would be fine with it, that was actually one of the suggestions I put forth, but no one wanted them. ((Jiragha btw)).

Vereesa is essentially a void elf, I don’t see an issue with it because there are in game lore to support it.
I simply don’t like the idea of them making it an entirely separate option when the two races are the same.

I think I didn’t see that suggestion.

The problem with merging void and high elves together is twofold: one, you need a pretty good story to do so in a convincing way, or else people won’t buy it, and two, it means also merging void and high elf themes, which means the result will dilute one or both of them.

The more I think about my “void elves are traitorous and will turn the high elves unwillingly”, more I like it. The details may be off, but I think it’s more likely for Blizzard to try and merge the races and change void elves enough to make a better compromise than duplicate the thalassian model and theme in the Alliance.

I’ve since been exposing these ideas here and elsewhere just to see how people react to them, so I could know what potential details could be satisfying enough to reach a true compromise.

Again, this is not what I want, just what I perceive as the most likely path Blizzard may take.


I’d hate if high elves were turned to void elves. I don’t care for the void theme at all and would prefer the high elves to be their own AR. Even if the void elves got high elf customization in the process, I don’t know, I would find it weak.


I think it depends a lot on how the story is told and how the high elf theme incorporates the void. I can think of ways of making it work, but I try to not delve into details because it probably will stray farther away from actual implementation than the general theory does.

But imagine that the high elves show even more resistance to the void than blood elves, because their trials during the dark times made their will stronger. Imagine we find it through a cinematic where, as she’s trapped in the void to be transformed, Vereesa confronts temptation and, through the high elf ethos, frees herself. She could be tempted by the Void in the form of Rhonin, for instance, but then she finally accepts his death and moves on. She emerges changed, but as the “Hearthstone Vereesa” rather than a normal void elf.

Then, as these voided high elves are added to the void elf ranks, we end up with two groups of ren’dorei: the traditional ones, eager to use and study the void, and the former high elves, wary of the void and avoiding to use it as much as possible.

This could even tie into my “high elves sever their link with the Sunwell idea”, in which the Void severs their link, and now they use it as a way to free themselves from their ties to Quel’thalas.


I think Silver Covenant Story and Ren’dorei Story need to continue on their own separate paths, talking 2 totally different factions beliefs and traditions and loyalty wise. But on the other hand we might be seeing the birth of a 3rd faction a whole Elf Faction all the Elfs coming together to rebuild an empire. Wouldnt that be something cool.


Led by Lightforged Queen Azshara


I mean Darkshore, yeah. But why Arathi?

First, because Anduin tells us the Alliance is winning on all fronts. I don’t remember if it’s after Dazar’alor or in the missing Xal’atath quest after Crucible of Storms, but he says it very clearly.

Second, because Arathi and Stromgarde in the hands of the Alliance just makes more thematic sense. I don’t think Horde will lose Hammerfall, but the Alliance will be the de facto rule over Arathi. It even has the rightful king of Stromgarde in its hands.

Third, it seems very likely to me that Blizzard will give most of EK to the Alliance, and most of Kalimdor to the Horde, with the opposite faction having a fragile hold of only a few territories.


Ehhhhh, seems like a pretty big assumption. And tbh I think we’ll end up with the old status quo from before maybe with an updated Undercity and Teldrassil. If they were gonna do a big mix up, the night elves wouldn’t have re-taken Darkshore.

I think you’re giving too much credit to Blizz.

Your story is awesome and I’d love to see it implemented, but I truly believe Blizz will just /pass and Void Elf lore will be stagnated for years. /sigh


I… don’t think more Warfronts are coming. Considering the lukewarm success of the system proper. As an event they’re really cool: story progression, zone revamp, mounts, pets. But all of this is also work to implement, while the main battle itself is really meh, Blizzard knows it, and the player base knows it.

Heroic Arathi might be the last one we ever see, just because Blizzard doesn’t feel like carrying the system onward based on its reception.


I think BfA story seems to be aiming at a big finale. It feels slow and directionless because it’s just planting seeds all over the place, but it may have a big pay-off and maybe one of the largest last patches we may have seen so far, dwarfing Argus by far.

To me, it became clear there’s a big plan ahead when Il’gynoth’s whispers from Legion turned out to actually be about BfA, and many of them haven’t been fulfilled yet.

In short: Blizzard has a plan. I don’t know if the pay-off will be satisfying enough, but there will be one.

There will be more.


“There will be additional warfronts in Battle for Azeroth, and the rewards to the existing one will likely be tuned and changed. We’ll also see lore characters continue to show up in these encounters.”

That was said in March, when Blizz was talking 8.2.

And keep in mind that, even if they cancel warfronts, they can still tell war stories through questing and instances anyway. War of Thorns and Battle of Lordaeron didn’t require warfronts.


I’d just like to make a quick community service announcement. Since it’s been pointed out in the High elves don’t work thread that “helfer” is an offensive slur, I feel it necessary to inform you all that “anti” is likewise a disgusting pejorative.

From now on we must be referred to as Quel’dorei Quellers, or perhaps for short Quellers, or even Quel’lers.

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I just put anti in quotations because it is an awkward sounding word for their position.

I’ve tried “those who don’t want people playing high elves” as well but that also sounded too long and awkward.

I feel like “helfers” could just be “high elf fans”.

Edit: Why did you delete your post on one toon and post it on the other? Just curious lol.
Your orc dk is just as pretty as your belf <3


I totally see him getting caught helping the Void Elves sneak people out of Silvermoon.