High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Not all antis are like that one. No need to generalize.


All I’m saying is there no need to get out of hand with your responses. If you feel like responding, there are several more calm and peaceful ways to respond then the route you’re headed towards which would likely just result in your getting flagged for saying something after getting so worked up.


Dishonesty was the issue here. I will definitely try harder to avoid any ad homs in the future (since it serves no purpose), but I go for the throat when I see people argue in bad faith.


I’ll just say this - people who are constantly and intentionally dishonest tend to get a reputation. There’s very few people who actually pay attention to someone with that kind of reputation.


While I sympathize with your feelings I don’t think you should get worked up over it.
The people who don’t like high elves are not hindering the subject.
I don’t actually think Blizzard would consider the anti “stance” considering it is based off of spite and/or basic misunderstandings. Because it is morally wrong. If they say no, it’s simply because they don’t want to. Not because x or y side “Winz the debate!”.


ok i want to type a new reply to this but since i dont have time i will copy paste just for you and at the same time for any lurkers or newcomers

Well I would like to apologize. As someone actually arguing for the High Elves in the Alliance I don’t want my personal reputation tarnished because i engaged very negatively with an extremely dishonest and disingenuous actor.

Also since i know this person will read it anyway, you misquoted something again. (not suprised with how dishonest you have been but here we go again).

This is what it says about the SC in game: A militant core of high elves that rejects the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor. They’ve united under the banner of Varessa Windrunner and joined the Alliance forces in Northrend.

There is literally nothing in there about them being weak in numbers.


The Silver Covenant exist mainly to be a foil to the Sunreavers, but even then High Elves exist elsewhere in the Alliance. The SC are just the largest collection of them

But do they need their own grand kingdom or something to qualify as an allied race? Based on the current allied races on the Alliance I’d say not


Looks at Reno in horror, I just noticed you are wearing orcish spiked shoulder pads. Spiked shoulder pads… how could you? Next thing I know, you’ll be replacing your Silvermoon City cardboard cutouts with piles of wet dirt with dead leafs stuck to the top. You will start putting spikes on all of your plastic trees. I don’t even want to think of what will happen to your poor sock puppet army. The Alliance needs High Elves fast, so us who still remain sane can escape the madness.


Well, the Silver Covenant are definitely the most prominent and visible, for sure. That doesn’t have to remain the case, though. We could have any number of High Elf concepts drawn from the existing lore stubs, or something new entirely.

I mean at the end of the day, Blizzard have absolute creative control over WoW, so the possibilities are quite literally endless. If they think an idea - any idea - is good, there’s a way to justify it in the story of the game.


Actually these are just made out of styrofoam because the real ones wouldn’t drop from Garrosh.

Who needs such heavy pauldrons anyways.


Don’t worry. People know what you’re dealing with.

We’re glad you’re here.


Exactly. Even without the Silver Covenant High Elves could still be in the table. Obviously we’d want them added in a way that makes sense though, so the SC inevitably always come up


Nah. A space rock and a handful of people who hear voices counts.


Oh for sure. Just consider it a timely reminder that the possibilities for High Elves being added are pretty much endless.


Reno’s one of the only Blood Elves to walk into the Horde Garrison in Draenor and not vomit.


I have at minimum 3 characters i would race change in a heartbeat to high elves if they were in the game right now. It just hurts my soul when i see those few but very painful anti-helfer posts only cause i know they are gonna argue in bad faith. I know my behavior wasn’t right there and I really do apologize for that.


Mine is a nice garrison with a Legion of Pets roaming about guarded by Blood Elfs and fancy spikes.

Aeda is there too. Can’t forget Aeda. More like Baeda.

I bet the community would go crazy if they added a race with scales. I would love either sethrak or naga.
Just imagine roleplaying a sethrak alongside some zandalari.


You’re all good man, we’re all friends here. It just sucks that everywhere on GD people will speak about how toxic the pro Helf community is. We’d like to correct that sort of behavior whenever possible

Not implying that you were being toxic, but we need to keep each other in check before things get too heated