High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

why i said representive

Yes but itā€™s a unique niche that they fit in with as void elves, hearkening to their relation to the void and what type of magic theyā€™re capable of. While itā€™s not actually the present void elves, I think itā€™s a promising precursor for future Void elf representation.

I believe as more and more void-theme content is released weā€™ll see more involvement from the void elves as well.

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Right now, void elves are just blood elves that cast magic with a different color.

Whatā€™s the point of filling up a niche if they miss every opportunity to show it off?


The void is really just-now stepping into the main focus of the game, and almost immediately one of the zones weā€™re experiencing is centered heavily around Alleria and the Void elves. Thematically they fit far better than Blood elves ever would, and this is likely going to continue the further and further we delve into void-themed content.

I see it as a promising sign that the Void elves will be more involved in this type of content, that blizzard acknowledged their shared thematic, and will explore it in further content.


A thing to consider; itā€™s possible weā€™ll see their mastery - such as it is - over the mental corruption/madness of the Void render them (NPCs, I donā€™t assume this will extend to players) somewhat immune to the corruption weā€™re going to face.

If thatā€™s the case then they may play a bigger part than weā€™re all expecting.


Nah dude. Fareeya and Enaara are dope.

They donā€™t need ā€œDances with Wolves/Last Samuraiā€ Turalyon repping them. Though he does anyways.


The problem is both of them ā€œare just thereā€. They dont really do anything, Fareeya does some but she hasnt since.

Technically the leaders of Lightforged and Void Elves are Turalyon and Alleria respectively. Theyā€™re just not their racial leaders.


IDK man, I feel thatā€™s the sort of thing they had millennia to fester about. Sure they offered to stay behindā€¦ buuut they spent like 25-10k years in basically hell. I wouldnā€™t call it senility, more like justā€¦ resentment.


Isnā€™t the main plot point of development them being grateful for the help offered by Velen and his champion and Velenā€™s regrets and repentance?

Not sure how much they like Velen actually matters as a plot point to returning with the rest of the crew. Thatā€™s what the reputation gain is for, is it not? Why would they stay?.. in whatā€™s a literal hellā€¦


The plan behind Void Elves was to use them as an excuse to not give us High Elves.

I always lean towards one Horde bias theory, because they always make so much sense.

Just take look:

January 2015, Blizzard headquartersā€¦

Blizzard Dev A: Hey guys the next expansion weā€™ll be set in a place where once was the pinnacle of the ancient Night Elf civilization! Letā€™s give Night Elves some love! :grinning:

Blizzard Dev B: Mehā€¦ so itā€™s going to be an expansion mostly about Alliance? LAME! :-1:

Blizzard Dev A: But the previous expansion was mostly about Horde Orcs pastā€¦ Whatā€™s the problem? :thinking:

Blizzard Dev B: Alliance sucks though! Thereā€™s no way we can make these elves become Horde? :exploding_head:

Blizzard Dev A: I think we could change them a bit, these Night Elves are Highborne, they had some problems with the playable group Night Elves in the past. Butā€¦

Blizzard Dev B: ALRIGHT! LETā€™S DO IT!!! :sunglasses:

Blizzard Dev A: ā€¦But we reintroduced the Highborne in Cataclysm as part of the Night Elves culture! :thinking:

Blizzard Dev B: I DONā€™T CARE! Nobody knows about it, only lore psycho nerds! Just make sure they look different though. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Blizzard Dev A: And what Alliance is going to receive? :thinking:

Blizzard Dev B: Weā€™ll figure that out later, it doesnā€™t matter now, letā€™s focus on theseā€¦ what we can call itā€¦ NIGHTBORNE!!! Sooo PERFECT! :heart_eyes:

Two years laterā€¦

Blizzard Dev A: Allied Races announcement draws nearā€¦ what Alliance is going to receive? :thinking:

Blizzard Dev B: I donā€™t knowā€¦ do you have any suggestions? :thinking:

Blizzard Dev A: We could give them High Elves since the Horde is going to receive the Nightborā€¦

Blizzard Dev B: NO WAYYY!!! :no_good_man: They look too much alike Blood Elves! Forget it! :rage:

Blizzard Dev A: But we made the Nightborne out of the Highborne Night Elf, I think we canā€¦

Blizzard Dev B: I DONā€™T CARE! ā€¦ WAIT! There are some people are talking right now about Alleria transformation on Reddit, letā€™s make some elves for Alliance out of it. :exploding_head:

Blizzard Dev A: But sir, Alleria is just a High Elf with Void powers that she turns on/off. :neutral_face:

Blizzard Dev B: GEEZ, I think you still didnā€™t get it, did you? JUST MAKE THEM BLUEā€¦ I MEAN VOID ALL TIME! DONE! :laughing:

Blizzard Dev A: Ok! :sweat_smile:

Blizzard Dev B: Now call the day, letā€™s have some fun, the Friday night HAS JUST BEGUN! :sunglasses:

Blizzard Dev A: Yay! :yum:

few months laterā€¦

Blizzcon proudly announces Blueberry Elves as one of the new Alliance Allied Races.


This feels so true that I think ā€œleakedā€ the real discussion. :rofl:
I hope you guys enjoyed it! :wink:


I mean letā€™s hope you are right, because it has been almost 2 years since their introduction, and beyond their unlock quest chain we have had nothing explored about their themes since.

Itā€™s more about the dissonance with Hatuun saying Velen abandoned them in Argus when we meet for the first time versus the flashback we have about Hatuun and the others sacrificing themselves to allow the rest to escape.


Right right. Yeah I agree that they had millennia to stew about their choices and presumably thereā€™d be regret and resentment.

Just wondering why some people bring it up as a counterpoint to their inclusion. They start out hostile and/or distrustful but we end up teaming up with them. Thatā€™s what a reputation grind to exalted for unlocking factions as allied races signifies.


And the argussian krokul are not even the only broken available. Thereā€™s the kurenai, the ashtongue tribe and the ones already living in the Exodar as well.


Yeah theyā€™re definitely more neutral overall, but theyā€™ve had sufficient screentime then one has to wonder why they werenā€™t picked for Legion.

Theyā€™re a natural choice. Not as much as High Elves, but pretty up there.

Theyā€™re also consistently up there in Alliance ā€œsubraceā€ polls. Again, not as much as High Elves but to be fair nothing has ever come close.


That sounds a bit like a lot of the anti-high-elf arguments.

Iā€™m not saying I donā€™t feel you.

But just being around is kind of what WoW characters do. They show up when theyā€™re needed for a part but for the most part they just exist in the background.

Very few people get to stand on center stage like Genn or Jaina on Alliance or Nathanos Blightcaller, Nathanos Blightcaller, Nathanos Blightcaller, Nathanos Blightcaller and Sylvanas in the Horde.


But thats the problem in itself. You have a lot of named NPCs part of this super strong race which would be a game changer in any sort of war effort.

Yet, the only one who has even gained growth out of his initial showing DIED in the same mission path. It just shows that there is this bloating of NPCs that do nothing and dont appear to develop past being tier C character.

Its what I have been saying this whole expansion about the high elves: you keep pushing this idea that ā€œtheyll show up when they are neededā€ but you think they would be needed for a faction war where the Alliance is looking for allied to aid them in battle.

So by that logic: are the quelā€™dorei just forgotten about or are they just awful allies from the point of view?

Lets be honest: outside of Talanji and Jainaā€¦Umbric has been the most important AR leader in BFA; and there is enough stuff in game to prove that through this expansion. So it comes to the main idea, there is a character bloat that needs to be solved.

Yet, its not hard to make characters not single-minded or forgotten. Its really not that difficult. You guys have shown that numbers of timesā€¦so why when we look at other races do things like that suddenly are ā€œimpossibleā€?

Yo first of all, that Nathanos bit I did was comedic gold.

Second; Thatā€™s just kind of the price you have to pay for a believable living breathing world.

You go to Argus, there need to be people from Argus there. You go to the Broken Isles and there are people from the Broken Isles there. You go to Kul Tiras and you meet Taelia and whatsherface from Drustvar.

And those people need to be there for you to believe that the place exists. Thatā€™s voice acting, script writing, game script writing, coding, art development, etc. etc.

Like, Suramar city is a believable place.

So yeah, it would be great if EVERY npc weā€™ve ever encountered from every place cruised a long with us. But thatā€™s just a ton of resources that weā€™re not gonna see spent on that sort of thing.

Like, Ideally weā€™d know where Dalaran was at this expansion and what our bois are doing. Instead for High Elves we get two High Elves on a boat and a portal operator.

And thatā€™s NOT BAD. haha. People can dish on that level of representation all they want but when it comes down to it tons of people arenā€™t going to make the cut.

Thatā€™s WoW. Itā€™s always going to be about who is on stage at the moment in that area and who is conducive to telling that story.

In an ideal World of Warcraft some poor idiot would have to go through a database of every character and do something with them and give them a couple of lines. But weā€™re not dealing with that level of manpower or that level of funds.

Sometimes you get Jaina or Genn and their cutscenes and sometimes you get that Lightforged Draenei you get to turn your emissary quests into with.


It isnt hard to place named NPCs into environments to replace nameless ones. You act like I am asking to replace ACTUAL people.

Yes, it very much is.

You can put named NPCs in for flavor. OTHER GAMES DO THIS. Literally Boralus is filled with named npcs and nameless NPCs with flavor. So is the different landing zones for Alliance in Zandalar.

So are the warfronts.

Im not saying it shouldnt be.

ā€¦you mean kind of like what they did in Legion? Where they took a bunch of named NPCs to fill class halls?

Guess they just cant do that again.

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Or to talk to to change your Hearthstone location!

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