High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Yes, I read it. It’s full of half truths, outright lies, old as dirt information lifted from Warcraft Encyclopedia that has since been deprecated by Chronicles, rereading it is a complete waste of my time, and it’s already overlong so quoting it for rebuttal purposes would just result in TL;DR.

But what the Hell. I’ve got time.

Blood Elves DID.

Neither did Kul Tiran humans.

I’m not sure how Paladins and Priests tapping Mu’ru’s corpse to further mutate themselves makes them LESS altered, or how this explains the persistence of the Fel corruption in Lor’themar’s new model.

This is a lie, Ghostcrawler was already working for Riot when he made that Tweet. He also doesn’t speak for the entire dev team any more than Ion does. Less so, perhaps, because he was systems lead, not design lead or creative director.

Appropriates Dalaran and Farstrider expatriate lore as belonging to Blood Elves. Dismisses the fact that the volume of lore about Vereesa Windrunner alone trumps the entirety of the Blood Elves’ light novel contributions, and the manga which featured them most was largely dedicated to the exploits of two dragons and a human paladin. #JoradMaceRepresent

So did Night Elf Druids.

This is so wrong it’s comical.

Reductive and disingenuous. I suppose she considers cannibalism to be a random dietary choice as well.

That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen! Also they’re still using Fel crystals in Nazmir, and the Blood Knights seem to be cool with it.

Opinion. An unwelcome one, I might add.

Grandstanding. Contradicts earlier argument that other High Elf settlements are irrelevant. Reminder that she tried to use player Pandaren numbers as an argument!

Redacted by Chronicles. Never made sense in the first place. Only ever referred to Silvermoon remnants (as it’s based on the also-redacted WC3 lore that all of rural Quel’thalas fell to the Scourge), which would make Stormwind’s high elf population alone eclipse the blood elves.

True, per the in-game cutscene. Spends the next paragraph flailing around in denial. Curious how this matter now but it didn’t in #7 above.

… what in the name of Thrall’s Balls does this have to do with anything? Does the fact that they apparently left in a huff after Vereesa’s bedroom exploits were insulted mean they were never there?

/looks at poorly made retroactive excuses for TBC blood elves’ poor life choices

Oh, right.

Confrontational and dismissive.

But having to revert a record number of suspensions for TRP model edits says nothing, apparently. :roll_eyes:

He should be fired regardless because his ideas are terrible and he’s running the game into the ground with his contempt for deterministic loot and obsession with catering to no-life basement-dwelling Europeans. That said, this isn’t an argument, it’s mockery and schadenfreude.

Imagine being so garbage you have to repeat the same point to fill space in an essay of already-titanic proportions. See #4 above.

Neither. Are. High. Elves.

The reasons he gave, which I will repeat here for completeness, were “too few, insufficient holdings, and unclear identity as a people.” Void Elves check the first two in spades, they have one lore character, and their cultural “identity” could fit on half of one side of a postcard.