This is a continuation from my Blood Elf Druid thread. In that thread, one of the major criticisms of the idea of Blood Elf Druids is that they are too focused on Arcane rather than nature magic, and they are too detached from nature. Although I think Blood Elf Druid is still doable, I do agree that something is lost from Blood Elves by changing their focus on arcane/fel.
At the same time, there is still the issue of healing the Dead Scar left by Arthas’ march on Quel’Thalas. If you’ve done the blood elf heritage questlines you will know that this is a major deal for Quel’Thalas.
So in order to solve the problem of healing the Dead Scar, while keeping Blood Elf identity in tact, I think this is the perfect opportunity to bring in High Elves as an allied race.
High Elves would hearken back to the time of elves pre-WoW and WC3, back to Warcraft 2. These High Elves would use nature magic bolstered Arcane (runestones) to help Quel’Thalas heal the Dead Scar.
In the past, the elves used runestones connected to the Sunwell and the Mother Tree Thas’alah to create a protective barrier around Quel’Thalas and Eversong called Ban’Dinoriel (“The Gatekeeper”). It had historic use in conflicts with the Amani trolls and others. The elves of Quel’Thalas use arcane magic mixed with Druidic nature magic for a unique take on the class and this predates WoW or Burning Crusade.
As an allied race, High Elves would have runic tattoos and markings similar to how Alleria Windrunner looked in her emerald armor pre-TWW. In the old WC2 art for elven rangers for example they often have blue markings/paint over their eyes.
Seeing as Midnight is supposed to be about the scattered elven tribes coming back together, I think this is the perfect opportunity to bring High Elves into the fold, give them a unique identity that is different from and complements blood elves, with a unique nature focus which also serves the narrative (dead scar)
TLDR: High Elf allied race, able to be druids, story focus on Healing the dead scar, appearance similar to Alleria Windrunner and WC2 Elves with runic tattoos.