I guess in healing the Deadscar they will also be taking Silvermoon and kicking out the Blood elves.
What class restrictions are you talking about? The Blood Elves are the High Elves. The plan is all classes for all races down the road.
OP requested that a high elf race be created, and that druids be given to them, but not to blood elves. I am responding to that!
That race already exists, they call themselves Blood Elves. Are we not caught up with the lore and events?
Didnât we just get an allied race that was a lazy copy paste of a current one? For the next race, I would like something a little more interesting blond haired, blue eyed blood elves, especially since you can already play those. Where are the Wolvar, Hozen or Ogres? There are dozens of interesting options out there, but we got these people always banging on for more of the basic crap from the beginner playerâs handbook.
Itâs believed Harronir are coming.
I agree with this and also Vulpara. Since they didnât release the pandaâs black and white theme I thought for sure weâd get some foxy-looking druid but nope
Iâm a major elf fan, yet I donât see the point of any of them besides Nelfs becoming druids arcane flowers or not. That doesnât make sense and sounds more mage which we already have.
However, Horde needs a new druid. Something fluffy rofl!
Please, no more Troll or Tauren theme druids. Iâd rather stay on the horde side
Oh boy another Helf thread
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We did and Blizzard killed it to please the vocal minority. Never forgive.
High Elves are already in the game. Get over it.