Hide Weapon

Not really… wow has a TON of visuals. I can hit 2400 in pvp every season and I can only tell the most important things at a glance already not minor effects. There is a ton of clutter.

I think they would need to override all transmog for that to work…? I don’t know if its possible in the engine ive only seen full costumes not transmogs taken on or off.

Fully support.
I hate the way most weapons look and just wont play classes if they have to have a sword/hammer/axe on their back.
And many races just have awful clipping issues with their weapons.

The option to hide my weapon would open up a lot of doors for me.

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Rather then shooting down the idea… a good middle ground would be to allow wands to be hidden weapons. There isn’t a class that uses them where disarming them is really worthwhile.

Would let casters get their weaponless casting animations.

Hiding Off-Hand would be good.
Although hidden weapons would be cool for spell-casters (and Monks), I’m not sure this would work for other Melee classes.

Transmog is not relevant in this regard

I disagree… that said its more noticeable melee vs melee

It’s not really up for debate.

If you specifically rely on transmog to determine whether someone is disarmed or not in pvp, you’re not pvp’ing correctly.

At least, you’re playing suboptimally. To each their own, but yeah.

I feel if we’re not allowed to use staves on our hands might as well let us hide them. Casters didn’t always have weapons in the RTSs. Blood mages and sorceresses didn’t carry any weapons. I like staves, but having them glued on our backs is lame, I prefer having nothing.

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It’s all fun and games until you get colossus smashed by a bare handed arms warrior :joy:

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If it’s a tauren, it would seem plausible. If it’s a gnome or fem BE it’s kind of funny. That said you can already use very small brass knuckles on most melee classes which is like being unarmed. I was mainly thinking of casters though, or generally any class that has their weapon glued to their back and never gets any use.


Its one of those things where if you dont want a beeping addon you just use the visual as its painful obvious when someone is disarmed or not.

I could go into a whole thing but its the forums and you are gonna drag out technicalities to the point of it being fruitless.


Don’t really need to drag anything on. Point’s already been made

Let Worgen fight with claws!

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Now I have to see a gnome hulk smash something bare fisted :joy:

A pink haired gnome dropping a warbreaker on a poor unsuspecting boar.

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LOL well, OP is just talking about when sheathed. But that would be hilarious. :rofl:

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True points been made it would interfere with pvp.

In what capacity would this possibly interfere with pvp

Its been stated two posts back its why I didn’t really wanna get into this for this very reason. Weaponized ignorance.

Well that’s no fun :joy:

I want to see a hunter use finger guns too. Now that would be amazing. Instead of an arrow or a gunshot, you’d hear “Pew pew pew!”.

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I mean if I was clinging to an absurd argument with no logical basis, I too would not want to explain it.

If you’re pvp’ing, disarm is a crowd control. If you don’t have any addon that assists you with various components of crowd control, you’re meme’ing.

If you’re in combat, your weapons aren’t sheathed. If the OP is only asking for hidden weapons while they’re sheathed, there’s no issue in PvP.

There’s really no scenario in which hidden weapons while sheathed has any impact on PvP.

Either explain why this isn’t the case, or it’s time to drop the point :smiley: