Hide Pants

I think the uproar would be so minor, it’s not even worth considering. We can already strip down to our underwear. There are quite a few skimpy pants options available as well. I just don’t see it causing much of an issue.

One argument against it I’ll make is that suddenly a bunch of people being clad only in their underwear roaring into combat would look ridiculous.

And changing the rating for a game would require evidence as to why that rating must be changed, and the second that check would happen, people would learn they have no argument. At all.

The less of mentally able of the general public are not in positions to actually give the ok for a game rating to be changed. Dumb people scream into the void all day, every day without fail. This is no different and people do that with WoW now over any number of topics. Dumb people shouldn’t stop a sense making choice from happening.

I didn’t even have hide armor selected when I previewed it

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People have been responsible with the hide chest option, I think the average player isn’t given enough credit.

What! My shirtlessness is tasteful and understated, tyvm.


True, but I have been around the block to know that it is not always the reasonable majority, in this case I just suspect that the idiots would raise the fuss that, even with the lack of evidence, the ratings board or company would cave just to shut them up.

Mainly it is just a CYA deal taken to the extreme .

My main issue with the idiots are the ones that would be going “think of the children” or other such tripe that tends to get others on their side, even when they are being stupid.

I might just be a bit cynical but for me, I see it more as not the majority, but those loud enough to sound like the majority, tend to get their way.

My racial undies cover more of my waggle than this mog does, so if I could “hide” my pants I’d be exposing less than I am now. In combat even. So no, a hide pants option wouldn’t open the floodgates of sin. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


Especially since that’s my job.

I joke, couldn’t help it.


This is the only reason I have not bought that dress. If they don’t want us running around pantsless, at least make a toggle for robes to hide the pants for robes/dresses like this. Or seperate every robe into a top and bottom set (seriously i hate trying to mog my clothies because everything is a robe and so there’s hardly a chance to show off some nice pant mogs).

It’s worth bringing up that a feature of Dracthyr visage customization is different styles of underwear, including some very nice looking shorts, that you will never, ever see due to no hide pants option :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Because we already got armor that turns out pants into underwear at this point…

Except we really don’t. Because you can still see the pants through those gowns.

I’ve beaten Lillith, I can do it again

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They Could hide it for the dress if they adjusted it lil. They do make somethings disappear if you wear certain armor.

Or they could just do it the easy way and give us the option. It’s not going to kill anyone to do so.

gonna look like a final fantasy starting area if it does.

Fempandas have the most beautiful underwear and we can’t show it off!

Wow there’s a whole lot of cringe all grouped up in one spot here, good work everybody.

And who exactly is exemplifying this dumb word you’re using? lol

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Oh, all of us for sure.