Hide Pants

Okay. Originally, I didn’t care. But now we have to talk about it.

For people who didn’t know, Blizzard is remaking all of the old AQ robes and such, and making them cosmetic. I knew this day would come. And I knew the day would come where I would also be disappointed.

We need to have one of two things happen, and I’ll first attach screenshots to illustrate why.

Behold the glorious example above that is my demon hunter in the new cosmetic robe. And absolutely no pants option in the game will allow this robe to function as intended. There is not a single pair of pants in this game, no matter how skimpy, nor what the functionality of it is, which will let this robe (cosmetically or otherwise) actually be utilized in the manner it’s meant to be.

The hole in the thigh is specifically intended to accentuate the thigh, and showcase the fantasy behind that robe. Not the mismatched leggings beneath. Two options. One, make it so these robes by default on their own hide the pants slot by default, much like how we made tabards functionally better by making them a solid item entirely. Two, make hide pants actually work.

I said it in another thread and I’ll say it now, this whole argument of suspension of disbelief does not make sense when I can go bare-boobs fight N’zoth and make him behold my glorious blood elf wonder. Make hide pants a thing, or make these robes actually function so they can be worn intentionally correctly.


And with the blood troll leg-armor mog we’re almost there. So there’s less of a precedent set by inability “hide leg armor”.


Oh you witty little…


So it seems counter-intuitive, but for night elves at least you can use the herritage pants to get extremely close to hidden pants with robes because the robe graphic overrides the external armor sections leaving you with just the panties. I’d attach a picture but I don’t have enough forum rep or whatever for that.

That being said, give us hidden pants already blizzard. Literally nothing is stopping me from just taking my pants off entirely so let them be hidden.


I missed the funny
can someone explain the funny to me

also shad wants to ruin the moral fabric of my fantasy video game, unbelieveable


Anyway, yeah, I’m down for a ‘Hide Pants’ option.
I think the number of transmogs where it feels like anything other than “I want to be naked” is fairly small, but that’s not really a good reason to keep the option away. Add it for consistency. We can hide everything else, and there ARE pieces where it makes sense, such as what OP has linked.

There’s also some cases of longer chestpieces and higher boots that can make wanting to hide pants reasonable even in cases where the gear isn’t blatantly designed for it like those Robes and the one other model of Robe that does something similar.

I think it’d also be acceptable (though less preferable) if the gear pieces blatantly designed for it just overrode the pants transmog slot (for example, the old Winter Garb set does this, they’re meant to be short shorts so it hides your pants transmog and just shows skin instead).


the pants are called hide pants.


'm an idiot, thank you

Vent linked Hide pants. As in, the material used to make the pants is animal hide. Whereas Shad is wanting an option to make pant/leg armor invisible.

I don’t understand why hide pants isn’t a thing. Especially now.


I got bamboozled. I was in the middle of an arena, looked over, quirked my eyebrow, and then got it in the middle of a game.


I’m glad I saw this. I almost bought that.

Yes hide the pants!

I lot of my characters wear robes and hiding pants would be so much easier then just clicking off and pants transmog every time I want to change something about the outfit or get a new piece of gear.

Seriously! Let us hide the pants… also who cares if I see another character running around in their underwear? They do it all the time anyways.


Depending on the content you’re doing, you could always just not wear pants!
Did that for about a month in early Dragonflight for fashion purposes.

I didn’t take that into M+ though.

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As a straight dude I just have to say that ehhh both look pretty appealing to me even if they show the pants.

Boobs and bubble butt, that’s fine. Ankles and thighs, too much.

How dare-th thee show thy thighskin!


Is it really “I want to be naked” or “I want to look like I am at the the beach, poolside, or where ever else you would wear beach clothing”. Frankly I would like a hide option for everything and then have Blizzard create more options for under clothing that we could change out of at the barbershop.

People may raid more if they knew there was a chance to get “Fyrakk’s Flaming Underoos”…I am joking…maybe

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I think the bigger question is why you would be tanking in a dress.


Let’s be clear, I can murder in anything and make it look good. That’s my job.