Hide Pants

Down with pants! Up with skirts!


How’s about up skirts? :stuck_out_tongue:

Eats popcorn


I had a teacher in high school that gave this response when we asked how long our research paper should be:

“The length of a woman’s skirt: long enough to cover all of the important parts, but short enough to keep it interesting.”

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Limsa be poppin’.

Just don’t join a syncshell.

Given that the preview in the trading post shows the gown without pants,
and the preview in the ‘this month’s reward’ news post shows it without pants,
and you can’t right-click to check the item out in wardrobe before buying it…

…it’s more than a little bit of a bait-and-switch.

It’s literally not possible for your character to look like the ‘advertisement’.

Either of the OP’s suggestions would be a reasonable solution.

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I’m just a degenerate in this regard. I’d 100% rock a naked toon LMAO

I always wanted to run around with no pants. There are various mogs that come very close. But yeah. As a Tauren or Vulpera not wearing pants would excite me so much. I just wanna be completely naked though. Robe defeats the purpose of no pants.

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Yeah, and let us take off the sandals!


It’s an evening dress ,well I guess they’ll fight in it?

Just talk to a leatherworker. They make hide pants all day.


Hmm, how much of a DPS loss is it to just not wear pants?

well now your just gonna get some fellow from goldshire excited…

but a 50% defense bonus against small creatures if you wear a battle thong.

Unequip pants lets you achieve that look.
However, unequipping pants to achieve the look that’s being sold as a transmog item defeats the purpose of transmog. We’re buying the look only, which should be able to be achieved fully geared. With all of the precedent set with hiding every other slot, it should not be a morality concern, especially when you put something like this in the game.


I say bring on the sin! Ironic coming from a priest, I know.

Not ironic from all priests.

Bring on the sin.

<— Shadow Priest

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Dude has some serious arterial bleeding in his nose . . . which is weird since there aren’t any arteries there.

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This is a feature we’ve been asking for for years. I would have thought that they would have done something to fix this issue, either as a transmog feature or a feature of these types of robes.


People have been asking for hide pants for years. Not sure why the devs have been so against that. People want to go around like captain underpants, slaying gods. Let them.

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