Hide Pants

And these replies are why I unfriended you.

I get what’s going on now.

It might be that. But the honest point going on here is he’s trying to get the thread reported by baiting people. Ignore and move on. That’s what I did.

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Not even gonna lie I’d run around in a belf/velf thong just to annoy people like him if we ever did get the hide pants option.

Argument still holds Shad. There is still no clear motive to a hide pants feature.

I want an option to hide other people’s pants, not necessarily my own. :smirk:


So… I should put away my torch and pitchfork?

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Honestly, this is irrelevant. I get your point but in the grand scheme, it’s also fine if we just get the option for the robes to be visually seen as intended (like the trading post and website show).

If Blizzard is so against hide pants as an option, which is fine and within their right, we should have the robes actually function as intended then.


Yes, my dear. I appreciate you. And you’re a wonderful person. But for the moment, put it down.

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It isn’t though, bc it is why most of the people do not want the option.

There are SO many pants options in the game that show just as much skin as the unremoveable underwear on any character does except just with weird edges. There’s also a toy that removes the appearance of all clothes that you could raid in (Moroes’ Famous Polish). I don’t get why “hide pants” is so unthinkable.


Another thing we need to improve customization.

They leaves Lizard naked ppl cringe winged Drackthyr due to a mistake, but we still have a disaster of our character design.

Which Blizzard needs for more transmog.


It’s not really. The issue is Blizzard just doesn’t wanna do something about it for some reason. And the issue is the argument originally presented of suspension of disbelief doesn’t hold up when you consider we can hide literally everything else.

i’m not saying FFXIV lets you hide pants, but…

it does.


Another thing WoW needs…

Type B Leggings.

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I have said this many times.

They should let us hide legs. But add a pants slot so we don’t have to be skimpy if we don’t want too.

And let blacksmith/leatherworkers/tailors craft mail/leather/cloth shirts and pants.


It’s very annoying that they still haven’t done this. Fortunately for my draenei main, there’s a pair of cloth pants that kinda matches their skin color (if you don’t look too closely) when I want to use something like the Valentine’s dresses. But it’s silly that I even have to do that instead of just…you know…hiding pants like I can literally any other slot.

Also hide weapons, extremely annoying as caster having the stick on your back.

This has my support! No reason not to, seems weird to allow hidden top but not bottom!

I have a Draenei character with white skin that I put a pair of all-white pants on and it looked like she had her ENTIRE rear hanging out, I didn’t even realize it until I started getting comments :laughing:

+1, also tried to find some on my paladin and holy is it ever miserable. This needs to be a thing.

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