Hide Pants

Wonderful. You have your thread. And we have ours asking for what we want. And what we want is more than reasonable. lol





Y’know, another counter argument to consider:

Why should the devs dedicate a hide pants function when the dress or gown will cover up a huge majority of the legs anyway?

It’s not like we’re demanding a function to be exploited, right?

Because the robe cannot be visually appreciated as it is intended while hide pants isn’t a function, or while it doesn’t actually hide the legs itself. Again, I am entirely fine with the robe merely hiding any pants beneath it, and giving the look of someone not having conventional full-leg pants beneath it because the robe is meant to show the skin of the thigh.

Also because they also took the time to dedicate to making robes which would be much better without full-leg pants ruining them.

I don’t even know where the argument involving an exploit comes from.

We already can hide the chest… What exactly would be exploited and how?


When viewing the new gown in the Trading Post viewer it has the pants hidden on the character so it seems the devs do want to have some leg showing with the garment.


Honestly, a lot of people got baited by this too. A buddy of mine did thinking it would hide his pants slot for free. And it doesn’t.

I mean, I could appreciate it. It’s not that hard.

The devs are dealing with a clientele over hundreds of individuals, if not thousands excluding Moonguard Goldshire, that will look for a way to find an exploit where they will use the hide pants function not intended your way.

Explain. How, on Azeroth, is someone going to “exploit” a hide pants feature? What possibly game breaking thing could hide pants provide. What, is the enemy on the team in my arena match going to be distracted by my thighs so unbelievably that they’ll immediately forfeit, thereby granting me my excellence and my rating?


Uhm… We can take the pants off… So how does that factor at all?

Like… We have built in underwear for a reason.


I find that the Night Elf Heritage Armour legs works perfect for the AQ robes (and remakes). It just has a skimpy g-string(ish) line at the top of the slit.

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Who knows? The feature isn’t here. But we both know how Blizzard handles their play testing.

-Looks at the hundreds and hundreds of pants used in this game.-

What I’m saying is, there is no clear motive as to why to implement a hide pants feature, and even if they did, would produce mediocre results.

Not to mention it doesn’t really put money in their pocket.

It is. For every other slot in the game. It is on the Trading Post as well, hiding armor including pants without an issue.

There is when they implement robes which hide the pants in the preview and on their website and are directly intended to have pants not be visible during the showcase.

You are scraping for an argument. I’m not entertaining this further.


Doesn’t want to see people in underwear. Plays diaper gnome…


Well neither would diaper gnome customizations.


And just like that, OP. This thread is devolving.


You made the argument. I’m just keeping logical consistency.

Do you honestly think I want to be called that? Be sure to recall how old you are when you say that.

Oh wait! Even better! Let’s all focus on hiding pants when there is an even bigger issue at hand by teasing those who play Mechagnomes a diaper gnome!

We should hide those pants, too! :smiley:

Yeah, they either didn’t think that through before posting the screenshot or implementing it in game, or it’s actually bugged and supposed to hide the pants. It could honestly go either way.

I’m dying right now. Legit, my sides. OMG.

I’m convinced that the only reason why you don’t want hidden pants is because it doesn’t benefit your race.