Hide Pants Is The Best Feature Ever!

Are we going to have a no pants day?


 how does what Luxuria say, warrant that type of response? (Not being snarky, just curious on this type of thought process.)

Cause, outside of their normal overly excitable approach to things they post, it is no different from other past and current media styles of skin exposure.

Not including, that Samwise Dider has said that a lot of his art for WoW is inspired by Julie Bell, Boris Vallejo, Frank Frazetta and many others who have far more revealing designs and publications.

Sure, WoW started off as a bargain bin Warhammer concept, but with those artists and Heavy Metal Magazine getting a resurgence in popularity again at the same time and the game being developed and released, it evolved in new styles and designs, some showing more skin, as well more conservative options that are well detailed also appeared.

 odd to me, cause it is pretty common knowledge that as long as Graphic Design and Images have existed, revealing designs and concepts have been a thing. From the lowly surfs to the highest of nobles has had possession of them in one form or another, and have gotten giddy about owning them as well.


“Are these still in production?”

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They been slowly taking an different approach and seeking more styles and stories versus risqué stories and comics, which I think is great. They been having success with adapting cyberpunk, fantasy and horror meets Humphry Bogart type noir being the first comics before the riskier stuff.


“I use to collect those.”


I’m picturing Cthulhu with a fedora and trench coat

forget it, J’ake, it’s R’lyehtown


can we get a stockings armor slot so i can hide my pants



Pretty much from what the spouse told me, there might be a Cthulhu type being in a Blade Runner type world setting and a handful of people are getting messed with and the MC deals with it like good ol’Bogart, but more drunk and depressed.


Is like Sky Captain and the world of Tomorrow it if was in outer space, and if it was written by Jim Henson, and he decided to teamed up with Spawn creator Todd McFarland.


I wish the armory would update. Everything except my weapon is hidden.

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I have no pants, but I must walk around in public :wink:

(Note: I never realised Void Elves have such ornate underwear)

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As a woman, I find this offensive. JS. It reeks of despair.

“As a Woman I find it amusing.”


Every day is no pants day :smiley:


I don’t.

Trust you, that is.

Thirsty dweebs rejoice!

Is it just earthen females getting beards or will the other 2 flavors be getting them as well? One thing I missed from playing EQ.

I firmly believe that everyone, regardless of class, race, or body type, should be forced to have a beard and go pantsless. We have a chance to make Azeroth a better world.

she strikes again.

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Huh, next thing they’ll add is customizable underwear.

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