Hide Off-Hand PLEASE!

That may be the point. I know I do that in FFXIV.
Shield bash there also looks like I’m just backhanding them across the face which is EPIC and hilarious.


No. Just always transmog it to this:

Goes with anything

I have farmed about every “book” for an offhand I can find so it will go with any color combination. I will just mog it in rather than some odd thing. At least when you are idle it appears to be at your side like any other spell book might be.

That’s fine, there are enough immersion breaking things in wow that i can live with that while being completely zoomed out :stuck_out_tongue: at least we should be able to mog shields into offhands. OR, novel idea, let hpals have 2h INT weapons again

I like the big ol’e fish that flops around. But yes it’s weird you can’t hide the offhand

omg yes, yes! YES!

There actually used to be a staff from MoP that was invisible when transmogged and sheathed. Some Blah Blah Jinyu Staff. But sadly it was replaced with a visible version a while back.

I would also like to see wands added as off hand for mogging purposes, no reason for wands being separate from off hands.

I do miss that from Wrath. having staff for stats and wand in ranged slot to pew pew as filler


Throwing weapons are short to mid range at best. So, given range is the MM hunter’s forte, I’d say that’d be terrible for MM. BM, maybe, though a DH with such a limited ranged attack might work better.

The off hands from sepulcher float around you

And the perfect offhand for the rolling pin weapons is…

The Joke and The Point
Your Head.

I cans agree with this in all honest. I think havin’ a doohickey in my hand makes me feel like a little ol’ toddler carrying his binky around.

You do know there’s no such thing as a sarcasm font, right?

…and your “point” was?

Why not it works for Monks.

Are you serious? My crusade is to get all off-hands to show on your hip.

More Options = More Fun.

And Throwing weapons have the same range as other ranged weapons.
Go check classic. So throwing weapons being shorter range is a non-argument.


Weapons are not always sheathed while in combat. Some aren’t while casting.

Since Blizz doesn’t allow us to actually use weapons in combat as casters, I agree with OP, let us hide our weapons in transmog if we want.

I’m for that too. But then if they all show plus a Hide option then we both get what we want.

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