Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

We need something between the anarchy, wild west style alt fiesta we’ve got now, and the “everybody RealID” thing they tried a long time ago.

I like being able to post as my WoW character, but every post should also have a battle tag attached to it. Or, if you don’t want people knowing your battletag, a unique ID number that is always the same from alt to alt.

There’s really no benefit to letting habitual bad-faith posters access unlimited anonymity with just one account.


That seems to be the base line for every person I see against it. The known bad faith posters create these threads then flock to defend their ability to sock puppet, troll, use multiple characters. Etc


i agree if you just a forum poster and you feel you need such a total level of anonymity
you can just not post :heart_eyes_cat:


You can already just make a classic character.

Its not an actual problem that needs fixing. In regards to “privacy” and “feeling safe”

Its actually too easy to reach that level of “privacy”. Which is another issue. And much larger than what OP is complaining about.

As long as the post is hidden with the name, I’m all good with it.

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I mean, you tried this already, and look at how well it went:


edit, nm you are right.

(post deleted by author)



But if they know my battle tag then they will know i was that one that chased them halfway across the map to unalive them over 10 plunder in the plunderstorm!

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lmao…ignoring this thread, but the irony of someone with a hidden profile calling someone else a sock puppet just blew the meter, lol



What, the victims of your harassment who you claim are stalking you when you follow them into random threads?


sees battletag of draenei who chased me across the map


Classic character.

That why exactly we need hide my name option, so people could not stalk and search other peoples posts etc.

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They are NOT your posts. They belong to Blizzard.


Plot twist:

Actually, they belong to me.

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They are not yours. Anything you post on the forums is MEANT to be read by others, remembered by others, and searched by others. If you don’t want people reading what you write, you keep a private journal.

Your other thread on this was locked right? Making a new one under a false and misleading title is not a great idea. OW2 does not have any anonymous forum posting.

OW2 posts on the forums with Battletags. I am good if we get there here.


No one reads the Privacy Policy agreement that Blizzard had us all sign.


They most certainly don’t read the EULA that states we have no expectation of privacy regarding anything we say, speak, or do in-game or on their platforms (forums/bnet app/games/companion apps). That we don’t own the Bnet account, game content, characters, items, or anything else.

We get a license to play the game - unless we break the rules then they can take away access.

Much like getting kicked out of the movie theater if someone does not behave. Heh.