Hide bag slot number

My UI and interface options had reset when I logged in today, and now on all of my characters it displays the number on the backpack. I did turn off all addons to see if that was the issue, but that didn’t fix it.

I tried doing a full UI reset, and now I’m seeing it too. There must be a setting somewhere that turns it off, but I don’t know where it is (yet). Let me do a bit more digging.

/run C_CVar.SetCVar("displayFreeBagSlots", 0)


Putting this in the chat and then reloading after worked! Thank you so much.

It looks like that gets saved in WTF/Account/account_name/config-cache.wtf. I thought I had checked that file for a bag setting, I must have missed it.


Thank you for much!!! It has been driving me crazy!!! And I could not find anything in the game menu to remove it and had no idea there was such a thing as console variables, let alone how to reset them.

:cookie: :cookie: :cookie: for you!!!

Thank you! I tried everything and deleting this file worked!

Back to displaying the bag number again today after the new patch; the script doesn’t work anymore and I can’t find the CVAR either. Is there a workaround to remove the available slots display on the main bag??


Looking for some help as well, same issue. No luck as of yet. It’s something to do with the new 10.0.7 patch.


Same here. Driving me nuts, lol.


me no likey.

please fix!


That’s a great attempt Fizz and it does work, but it won’t stick through logouts and UI reloads. Must be on the right track though!

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Yeah none of the fixes listed on the forums here work anymore. They either don’t work at all, or aren’t permanent and have to be run each time you log in on reset.

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Honestly I’m gonna go ahead and enter it as a bug because we shouldn’t need an addon for this.


I too have this problem. Still unable to find a solid fix. :frowning:

What’s in the linked post is as close to the best you’re going to be able to do unless Blizz. reverts their change.

Converting the script to an addon removes the need to remember to run the scrip each login.

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This fix works perfectly. Converted to an addon and just forget about it. At least until they break something and it no longer works.

Blizzard was touting how in DF we’d be using less UI addons because of their revamp, and instead I’ve have to add like 8 more just to get the UI back to something playable and not ugly AF for me.


lol, exactly. I’m also using one to move the Group Finder icon back to the corner of the minimap.

Ok yea I was wrong this fix does work. I’m just retarded. I copy/pasted the code that was shown in the preview for the linked post, assuming it was the full line of code when it actually wasn’t.
But now I even did the addon thing from that post so I don’t have to do anything ingame.

Many thanks to you Fizz :smiley:

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