Hidden Ilevel cap in Group Finder?

When I try to create a Mythic Siege group on an undergeared toon, I only see other undergeared toons sign up. I never had this problem on my main who was 460 ilevel. Is there a cap I don’t know about to prevent people from getting carried?

Yes. It’s all the geared people noping out.


No, they don’t even sign up. They can’t see my ilevel before they join, can they?


Addon perhaps? I honestly don’t know.

Have you tried having a 476 in the group and putting 476 Lead in your title?

The premade finder has a filter to specify a minimum ilevel, which cannot be set higher than your own character’s ilevel.

Many players will not join a group with text that says ‘476 required’ or whatever other minimum while the group finder minimum ilevel isn’t the same as that is a flag the lead is an undergeared player looking for a carry.



That and any ad mentioning “pumpers” means you’ll have some undergeared dude yelling at you to hurry.


How? I just looked through Premades, it tells me who is lead, but apart from name-realm I’m not seeing the ilvl. Am I missing a setting? Or an addon?

I already geared a Druid to max ilevel. I just wanted Mythic Siege weapon mogs on my Hunter. Someone in a different thread claimed that if you host groups, people line up to carry you.

Depends on the content and how you approach it, for something like MSV heroic I would join any random group or just create one and invite anyone who requested an invite - no risk of failure and the worst is fights take a few seconds longer solo than with a geared group.

For mythic SoO, nope, not joining some random carry group. Could be a total clown show.

Addon. Or armory.

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I learned not to join 400 ilvl Mythic groups the hard way. You want a carry, go join normal.

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Many OP players are done and gone. Many players also are not going to join a Mythic group with undergeared players especially at this point.

They know you haven’t advertised that you’re a 476 lead like everybody else.

Had a 200k hp lead who invited more people wanting to be carried than 476s. The mobs before Immersius took so long to kill everyone dipped.

A single 476 cannot carry 29 people in Mythic, folks.

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At least they escaped before the lockout. There shouldn’t be anyone below 420 ilvl.


When I look and if it doesn’t say “Minimum iLvL required 450” or higher, I NOPE OUT.

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Just be sure to check that the group finder filter ilevel is also set to 450, otherwise, it is more than likely the lead doesn’t have 450, and may have a bunch of carries already in the group.

To be ‘that guy’, it’d only be 19 others. Mythic’s capped at 20, not 30!

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Yeah, I look specifically for the text saying that a minimum was set, it shows that. If it’s not set it’s a lowbie looking for a carry.