<Hidden Eclipse> - Your Home Away From Home

Hello, I'm the GM of Hidden Eclipse, a guild centered around having fun and being super casual. I believe now is the time to add a forum post about us on the Moon Guard forums. Below will be a short FAQ and general topics that I'll do my best to cover the guild the best I can for you in one post. ***How would you describe Hidden Eclipse?*** **Hidden Eclipse** is a small guild with a emphasis on chill enviornments, community raids of new to veteran raiders, Mythic+, and.. all PvE really! If you like that, you might like us. Here's a link to our Discord and website: [https://discord.gg/ZNPcpy8] - *Guild Discord* [https://www.hiddeneclipse.com] - *Guild official website* ***What's unique about Hidden Eclipse From Other Guilds?*** I'm not sure to be quite honest. The guild is like an extended family to me. I believe no one is as laid back, down tempo, and casual like us. This is more so my opinion though. ***Do y'all do anything fun?*** Fun is subjective to each person. I find our movie nights, raid nights, and just chilling out to be fun. The guild is great to me but it's only as fun and awesome as you find fun, join in for, or start something around. ***Are y'all RP focused?*** RP isn't something I'm focused on as a guild. Though there are some like myself and others who do some type of RP to an extent, you won't find that the guild is built around or for it. More than welcome to create your own RP events and do it on your own time though. ***Are y'all welcome to alts?*** I'll say this, two of our members have 5+ alts in the guild. I believe that'll answer that for you. ***How's your raid progression?*** We don't do raid progression. We have our weekly Saturday evening raid but it's more so a time we get together and punch faces. It's nothing serious, we don't have a serious team, and I have no plans on doing progression raiding or anything serious on that manner. I like our casual laid back atmosphere and I believe that defines us as who we are. A unique set of folks who are friendly, helpful, and casual. ***How did you come up with the Guild Name?*** I spent about 60 or so hours thinking of a name. Black Singularity was going to be the choice till 1. Can't use Black in names & 2. I couldn't think of something to go with Singularity. So, went back to thinkin' and I like the moon and the Eclipse can hide or magnify the moon. Thus came Hidden Eclipse. We're here but not here! *Might be lame to you but I think it's awesome! :3* ***When was the guild founded and why did you start the guild?*** The guild was created in November of 2017. I started this guild for multiple reasons but I'll list a few here. I started playing WoW during Pre-Legion and since then, I mostly ran guildless. I couldn't find that one guild that felt like home. Each guild I was in, no one group up frequently, members had their select few pockets they only run with, were too serious, or it didn't feel like home to me. So, I moved to Moonguard after running into a MoonGuardian in LFR. Since then, I kept thinking to myself that I could create a great home for folks. After a month or so being on Moon Guard, I decided to create this guild. Since then, we've been slowly growing and that's perfect to me! I like the slow recruitment that's been happening but that's how and why i started this guild! ***What do you mean by Slow Recruitment?*** I don't want to give out the impression that we're a spam invite guild and / or have someone sitting in Trade Chat or walking around inviting folks all day. Often times, I'll only post the guild ads maybe 1 or 3 times an hour. Usually though, I'll go a few hours through out the day without posting the ad. I'd rather us grow slowly with a tight knit group of folks that you can consider your extended family and friends. ***Do y'all have a Discord and is it active?*** We sure do have a discord and you'll find the link below. Active is subjective to each person. The Discord, guild chat, and activity is perfect to me. *https://discord.gg/ZNPcpy8* ***I like the way your guild sounds but I'd rather hang out and not leave my guild.*** That's fine. About 90% of the activities we do with the guild, are extended to non-guildies. So you're more than welcome to hang out with us if you want to. I want you to find the perfect home for you. If we're not it, you're not hurting my feelings leaving or just hanging out. I'd rather you be at your forever home that makes you happy. Just don't lie to me is all I ask. :) Whew... That was a lot to format and type. Well, if you like the way we sound, reach out to us! If not and you'd rather hang out, more than welcome to join our Discord. *Note: If I don't happen to respond back, try PM-ing me 2 or 3 times. If I still don't respond back, reach me on our guilds discord. I end up RL-ing a lot of raids or "afk" happenings a lot. Not trying to be rude, just a lot to do as a helpful / always available GM or IRL happenings.* *Note 2: GM Weekday hours in game are **18:30 - 01:30** Realm Time* *Note 3: We have a website! https://www.hiddeneclipse.com*
I've really enjoyed by time at <Hidden Eclipse>. While I've spent over a decade on MG as a roleplayer, I was looking for a laid back environment with friendly people who could help me be... more. This is a very casual guild with very helpful and friendly people. They've helped both me and my husband learn more end-game content so we can gear up for BFA. As adults with jobs and lots of real life things to balance, this guild is just perfect for us. The movie nights are really fun too. ^.^
Good morning,

Just a friendly bump to the morning goers (midnight time for our AUS friends / guildmates). Have a wonderful start to your week.

Reminder: Get your H Arg kills this week! Last chance at it for the mount!

Edit: First post is maxed out in characters. If you're trying to PM me and I'm not online, try reaching me via our guilds discord or doing "/who Hidden Eclipse" to see if a character named " Rai " is online. All my characters start with " Rai " and are in this guild. Rai is how I personally identify myself and characters. x)
Good evening,

Hope everyone has had a good work week so far. The weekend is tomorrow, so there's still something look forward too!

Reminder: Get your H Arg kills this week! Last chance at it for the mount!
Good evening,

Have a wonderful weekend folks! Also, be sure you get your H Argus kills before Tuesday reset!
Good afternoon,

Enjoy Battle For Azeroth everyone!
Good evening,

I hope y'all have been enjoying BfA!
Good afternoon,

1 week into BfA and I hope the story has been great for you! Hidden Eclipse is your friendly neighbor guild! Come stay a while and listen and hopefully we're your future home!.. If not, I hope you find the perfect guild for you!! :)

First post is maxed out in characters. If you're trying to PM me and I'm not online, try reaching me via our guilds discord or doing "/who Hidden Eclipse" to see if a character named " Rai " is online. All my characters start with " Rai " and are in this guild. Rai is how I personally identify myself and characters. x)
Good morning,

Half way through the week guys! You're almost there! =D
Good afternoon,

It's the weekend guys! We all made it through the week! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Good morning / afternoon AUS folks and goodnight USA folks!

I hope everyone's week has been going great! Just a friendly bump for future AUS folks and the people who work or come home during graveyard / AM shift hours.

Have a wonderful night, afternoon, evening, morning, wherever you're at, and I hope you find the perfect guild to call home for you!
Honestly, Hidden Eclipse is the best guild I have ever been apart of throughout my many years playing WoW. People are friendly and willing to help with literally anything which makes it have an amazing family feeling. I have two characters in the guild and if i played my other characters more, they would all definitely be in Hidden Eclipse.
Good morning,

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!
Good evening,

Weekends almost here! I hope you all have had a good week!
Hi there =)

I've been eyeing up this post for a little while now on my search for a guild to call home, so I'm hoping Hidden Eclipse might be it. I live in the UK and this is my second WoW account (my main is in the EU region) that was created to play with my best friend across the pond. When she's not online though, it gets a bit lonely in Azeroth!

So I'm just wondering really – are there people who play at 'bizarre hours' and is the guild okay with members who perhaps only log on occasionally? It's my hope that finding a friendly guild will encourage me to be over here a bit more anyway, even if my timezone means I can't join events during your evenings.
09/07/2018 05:12 AMPosted by NĂ©edle
So I'm just wondering really – are there people who play at 'bizarre hours' and is the guild okay with members who perhaps only log on occasionally? It's my hope that finding a friendly guild will encourage me to be over here a bit more anyway, even if my timezone means I can't join events during your evenings.

Guild weekend prime hours are 15:00 - 00:00 Realm Time (prime as in, a healthy size for folks looking for a medium sized guild activity. I was happy with 3 folks being online though, so this varies by each person's opinion). I can't comment on the weekday hours as I work and don't get home and online till 20:45 Realm Time. About 15% of our guild is from AUS, so there are some AM players with a new addition from South Africa last night. Our AM Realm Hours crew is small but overtime will grow, though I am in no rush to grow the guild.

We're doing pictures this weekend of the morning, evening, midnight, and AM crew (Realm Time). Was going to put those pictures on our Discord.

09/07/2018 05:12 AMPosted by NĂ©edle
guild okay with members who perhaps only log on occasionally?
There are no requirements here besides being friendly to other Moon Guardians and helping others out. We're really just a Super Casual, laid back, do your own thing and help others out type of guild. I do enforce the folks being nice, friendly and helping others out. So, any hint of toxicity or lack of remorse when it happens, will warrant your removal. We're a friendly bunch and I'd like non-guildies to know that we're friendly and helpful when they see our guild tag.

I've only done 1 purge of our time being here and that was folks who haven't logged in in the last 4 months as of June.
Good morning,

Weekends almost here! I hope everyone finds the perfect guild to call home for them!
Good evening,

Weekend is here! I hope you all have had a productive, or lazy ;), work week! Go find yourself the perfect guild to call home! :)
Good morning!

Start of a another week and closing in on being the end of the year! Don't stay being somewhere you're not happy at. Everyone should find the perfect guild that they can call home! Maybe it's our's or maybe someone else. Where ever you end up, I hope you find the right guild to call home! :)
Good morning,

New week, new day, and new experience! I hope you all have a wonderful day, morning, evening, where ever you're at! Do keep us in mind if you're looking for a home!