Hi Wyrmrest Accord. I'm coming back

Mockingly sets down a chair then gracefully slips comfortably into the seat and takes a swig of coffee

I can’t wait to meet you Kiethoo and company.


Wait a minute


Yeah, people who glossed over that whole Goblin starter zone stuff, didn’t seem to get that I named my clan that to show we were loyal to Thrall not Garrosh, but I get why it was confusing during that time.

I totally forgot that the Horde is a Democracy now…gross…ok maybe more of a Oligarcy with some Republicanism/Communism…which is still barf.

Also no more Saurfang…

Did we elevate a new Orc to Saurfang awesomeness?

Perhaps MANKRIK ? Or is he still busy reducing the Quill Boar population?

Perhaps SHOKIA ? She’s a former Kor’Kron Hero, and she almost killed Jaina. Or is she too buy doing what ever Girl Stuff is?

Maybe Saurfang’s niece who only exsists in the books and cut content of the expansions.
Female Saurfang would be fun.

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Nope. Just put Thrall back in place.

Though they did him grievous injury in the latest expansion by not even touching upon the fact he held rightful claim to dominion over the Black Dragonflight.

She fought for Garrosh during the Siege, and then went into effective exile.
From wowpedia :

" Having wandered alone and served as both a mercenary and pirate in the near decade since, she wished to return to the home and people she missed. When asked if she regretted serving Hellscream, she denied such and lamented how she thought she was doing the right thing, and Hellscream did too, though admitted it came at the cost of the other members of the Horde. Nonetheless, she believed the past was over, and defended her desire to be present at the Kosh’harg."

So not the best look, admittedly.

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Mankrik moved on and has a new partner :dracthyr_heart: im very happy for him, that is the extent i know about orcs

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But…but…Female Orc High Overlord… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am also happy Mankrik gets little breadcrumb size story updates. I still haven’t done the new Kash event and I can’t wait to do it and get all that Orc Theme’d goodness.

I feel like around the end of BfA and all through Shadowlands…mostly Shadowlands, I lost ALOT of my warcraft desire and my knowledge of things so I can’t really recall where alot of stuff is. Like Thralls kids, now its a Boy and Girl as it should be from the quest we did to save thrall with Aggra. And his Son is almost a young adult already?!
HOW OLD AM I NOW? If my character is supposed to be like Thrall’s age and I play him at my age if possible of 38…does that still track with Time Jumps?
Or do I need to be older?

Also why do I look like Auduin now when ever I look in the mirror and think about how much being a broke adult sucks?

Oh and you know what else sucks…here we are…8? Expansions in now?
Still no Matching Kor’kron Elite Boots >:(

When I ran my Kor’Kron Guild and we had other KorKron RPers on WRA and other servers spamming daily recommendations “Matching Kor’Kron Boots Please!” “Black and Gold Fel Iron Boots!” Still no :frowning:

It was fun when AAO was a perpetual thorn in your side.

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My man you sat beside Saurfang in the 3rd grade. Also welcome back! Nice to see server celebrities returning :dracthyr_love_animated: fair warning, though, it’s uhh… things aren’t the way they were when you left. Take that as you will.


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In what ways? I am also returning.

I was just thinking about if you were still around this past week when I was trying to recapture Wintergrasp to raid the Vault. Thought to myself this would be easier to do back in the old days.

Welcome back!

All I’ll say is it’ll be nice to have some real Orcs back in the RP scene, nothing more :dracthyr_nod:

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“Real orcs” is when pointy armour.

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Me not that kinda Orc

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“Real orcs” say “he who said violence solves nothing never won a fight.”

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Nice to know the Vulpera watch Starship troopers as a literal text and not satire lol


my orc is a peon that got bonked so hard on the head it unlocked the secrets of the arcane and with this new infinite power at his finger tips, he summons mirror images to do his work while he takes a nap.

me that kinda orc


So account is up again.Logged in this morning anddddd no one around…Oh right…its 6am on a Weds Morning >.>

I might be kinda screwed though. I was having alotta trouble just WALKING AROUND.
Gotta get my finger memory back for sure. Then maybe move on to trying to remember what PVP is…

then I have to try to find a group to do PVP stuff with,
then find a group to do PVE stuff with,
Then find a group to overthrow the Oligarcy the Hoard has become and reinstatute it as a Absolute Autocracy under a Orc Warchief.
Or Gamon…


you have me bonk stick

pretend I’m posting this on my orc remix character

I have this issue every time I swap games.