Hi, I can't log in. Getting Error WOW51900118

It goes from loading normally looking to retrieving realm lists and then goes right to disconnected.

Am I the only one? what’s the fix? is there maintenance or something. What’s going on?


I have the same problem. Started about 10 minutes ago on classic era. Switched to retail and got the same bug. Restarted computer, same bug.

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I am having the same issue. Tried restarting battle.net. Sometimes i get error immediately, other times it hangs for about 20 seconds but leads to WOW51900118.


Same here, on WotLK

Feels good to know I’m not the only one. I was scared it was just me an everyone else was fine. Probably something on blizzard side since I played yesterday and everything was fine, today I changed nothing on my computer but it’s an error. Going to assume DDOS or patch error or something.

You are not alone, I am having the same issue!

same here. not sure what’s going on. I did however saw “login servers are full” for like half a second which may suggest a DDoS

Having the same issue. Attempt to login, immediately gets disconnected on retail with a WOW51900118 error. Tried restarting battle.net and restarting my computer but nothing worked.

I am having this same issue as well. I have tried the same restarts as everyone else. Happening in retail

Same issue. Did a rescam of game files, no issues there. Multiple restarts and still same issue :frowning:

I was able to log in a few hours ago fine so this must be a recent development. Hoping for an update soon.

Same, unable to connect to the server

Same issue here, adding to the group size :smiley:

Same issue here, cant login

Whew, thought I was the only one…

Same here. Been this way for about 10 min.

Same issue here have 1 year of sub left and cannot log in the make millions and billions you think they could afford better server security stability and performance…Finally home to start quests to caverns on my lock and cannot log in.Such a shame.

Samezies here

I have the same problem since 10 minutes. Last night I played normal.

Another one, was on earlier – left house for about an hour to get groceries and no love on WoW. Have done all the usual stuff (cold reboot etc), have year sub, yada yada. One time I did see the log in servers are full screen but usually not.