Having the same problems. I’m glad I’m not the only one, hopefully it gets fixed soon.
Same here on wotlk
Same here on retail and wotlk from south america. So sad. At least i was not the only one with the problem aaha:(
what the actual hell this is happening to me as well i cant log in to anything
same issue here
Im also from SA. Maybe its a region issue?
same error on me, can we get help on this?
Yep, me too. error “WOW51900118”
yep here too i was on 30 mins ago now cant connect
Having the same issue here as well on my and my boyfriend’s PC.
I am from NA so I don’t know if its regional
I am also getting this issue. It gets to the main loading menu, says it is retrieving the realm list before bringing up the error code.
Same here for retail. Multiple tries and cannot retrieve the realm list it seems.
Can confirm same issue here for the past 15 min or so. On retail.
Getting the same error here too. I tried contacting them, but have yet to hear back from them
I am in the US and I am having this issue, too. similar to others, I have tried rebooting, flushing my DNS, releasing and renewing my IP, scanned files, checked and ensured my PC was up to date on patches, made sure my Wow was updated and still this message.
Same issue. Saw a forum from years ago that said it was a driver update issue, but mine are up to date. Anyone able to login after updating their stuff/find any other fixes?
tried logging on a few minutes ago and ran into the exact same issue
Also did all that + restarted my router and PC, still no luck
Same problem. Glad to know we’re not alone. Can’t seem to fix it on my end, so I guess we just have to wait for Blizzard to say something.