Hi Fieldarmy here

Are there any single Asian girls in those communities?

If so please send me a tell and I will join



Let’s say you failed on your college report card because of the field army. :joy:

A group of garbage who only dare to group on voice software. Put on airs here

A brave player escape from the bg. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

In the future, at NGA, I will show you how your father is on the battlefield, killing you guys without dying, until the game is over… Hee hee, are you looking forward to it? Son

Ppl asking me about somebody‘s “heroic deed” in thread

Then here we go~

Heros never die! (Escape from bg) :kissing_closed_eyes:

Come and go, just a few sentences. Is there anything new. Otherwise, your father will have to rest

In the future, if there is a chance, Dad will show you. The record of 0 deaths and dozens of kills will open your eyes. My good son

RIP my son. :hugs:

My son, say to your father, ‘Long live your father!’

I want to hear a dad joke from you guys.


Can someone please answer this important question for all the various premade communities?!!



Presenting you with the perfect circus act.

Me with a barking thing. :rofl:

Send more field dogs to chase your father in the future, don’t be killed by your father again

Theres a barking thing run after me in thread.


I don’t know which wild dog started barking here to slander his father. That’s why his father came here to check the line.

It’s obvious you’re biting yourself.
Dont hurt yourself my g :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t know or understand. You, my son, you only have two dads, Xswl and Huamao. But we both have a group of field soldiers and iron cavalry sons. It is inevitable that there are several unfilial sons :shushing_face:

No dad joke, gotcha. So can you pls get Huamao to come on here so he can meet his foes?

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2 heros escape from bg. lmao

Everybody know. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: