Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

Many diet foods are actually a lot less healthy than just eating smaller or one portion of the food you wanted to begin with - the added value to those ‘healthy’ foods are often the culprits of not being able to lose weight. Like those stupid work out bars, those things are awful for you but people eat them anyway and think they are eating healthy.

Sugar also isn’t bad for you, and ‘empty calories’ is misunderstood; things lacking in micro nutritional value aren’t inherently bad. The most impactful energy foods on the planet are simple sugars in carbohydrates and salty food. Knowing when/how to use those foods to your benefit is the trick, not avoiding them. Have tons of friends with 6 packs who eat sugar after a workout. Your body doesn’t even recognize the difference, honey, sugar, fruit, it’s all the same to your body.

This is irrelevant, a lot of people who are super in shape eat only 6-8 hours a day and pack all of their calories in during that short window. Look into intermittent fasting. How much you eat total is far more impactful than when and how much at a time.

Is the OP just Bravado’s Classic alt?

I do agree with you about the cheat meal.

You gotta have something to look forward to.

her meals were mostly no dairy, no harmful fats, mostly veggies. low to no sodium, fish as opposed to red meat. she also posted pics of what she was eating on instagram and obsessively tracked stuff otherwise. she would eat pasta made from veggies instead of regular pasta too because of how she’d read it was bad for you. lol. people have no idea what lengths other people will go to to try to be healthy. they just see that someone else is heavy and it offends them.

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Wait, natural sugar from fruit? Aye? Natural sugars are generally safe…

white refined sugar is terrible…

Your body doesn’t know the difference. It’s just glucose. Amount is more important than type. The reason fruit sugars seem to affect less is they are also eaten with micro nutrients and fiber alongside other factors. Not the sugar content itself.

If you want to test this go eat pure fruit juice for a few weeks and watch your weight sky rocket. The concentrated sugar will bump your insulin just like any other sugar.

So yeah, Blizzard I’m still waiting for a beach party patch where you add Bikinis and Speedos.


Can you imagine a male KT rockin’ a banana boat hammock?

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Welcome to game design circa 40 years ago you’re a bit late. Also, Kul Tiran humans.

channels Dreadmoon


Because he likes having pretty avatars in his video games? Are you serious right now?

I’m a woman, and I’m very sensitive to issues of unrealistic ideals for body shape and erroneous stereotypes about female sexuality…but this is a video game. I like being able to play a fantasy character with an idealized shape.

WoW has provided a HUGE variety of shapes and sizes in the female options for the player.

The only female leader who has been offensively remodeled over time to have sexy up front and center is Sylvanas. She’s the only one. There are tremendously powerful, smart, emotional, messed up, and interestingly grey females in this game’s lore.

I don’t experience widespread toxicity online because of a guy who likes pretty people in WoW. The toxicity I experience is the fear of trying to learn new roles in a pug environment…nothing to do with being a female or guys who like looking at cartoon boobs.

Well Twitter culture has permeated every aspect of life. If you’re not making some left wing political statement in your games or movies, how dare you even publish them.


there’s just as many popular right leaning websites. people focus a lot on twitter. but i also know that there’s plenty of people on twitter that aren’t liberal. and that are protected cuz of their wow status despite being unsafe to children. as in they went to jail for it. so twitter isn’t this left wing super woke utopia that the right wing people on the forums seem to think it is.

The squeaky Karen get the…grease?


It’s more of an echo chamber and purposefully built that way - they spiral you into what you click on and interact with the most and it turns into a rabbit hole. Social media is responsible for a lot of radicalization on both ends. The algorithms are created to discriminate based on user input to keep the user engaged. It’s easy to get caught up in the feeling that everyone agrees with you on twitter because that’s what it tends to show you.

Unless you’re like me, I like to debate/argue so I interact with things I disagree with a lot. The things you end up seeing at the far ends is wild.


Some people are into that.

Your premise is complete garbage and it is easy to tell you are parroting some idiot from TV or IG.

Human dudes in the game have massive muscles. I am willing to bet most guys here are not built with 22in cannons and washboard abs. I am not. Don’t see me crying.

Quit trying to be a victim and expect the world to change for you and your “feelings.”


i don’t click or like anything not directly posted by a friend. i get suggestions to add sports related things more than anything else. none of my friends follow that stuff. i hide every add it suggests to me. if you just blindly click follow to everything yes. i also blocked a friend of a friend for being crazy in their wokeness. that “friend” removed me. wife is still friends with them. that person i blocked said they (the person who removed me) were being sexist and ableist cuz they call people “dudes.” i don’t get crazy things suggested to me because i avoid insanity in all aspects. left or right. extremes have no place in my life.

See thats why I have an issue with this kind of thread.
Many of the women I know drool when they think about Chris Hemsworth…so its not “male toxicity” its called being a human being.