Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

Same since the start I never wanted to play a human.

Meh I don’t mind them at all. I have very few skimpy mogs, I am more of an “I like to keep it covered up” kind of gal. But I really could care less what others wear in a game, or in life for that matter. When I see threads like this I often wonder if they approach it in life like they do the forums.

what people want to do with their own bodies (or avatars) is their own business. but when the game allows it for female toons but not male toons, and men think it’s fine? that is what i have an issue with. i want to put my male dwarf pally in a platekini but i cannot. and that is total bs imo.


this is him. he would look studly as heck in a skimp mog imo.

Agreed. You should be able to live out that dream!

I am truly tired of the woke agenda being pushed here though. I would hate to lose even the option of skimpy mogs because of a vocal minority.


Yes this needs so much more love.

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Fat isn’t good. Fat dudes/fat chicks live a unhealthy life both physically and emotionally. Fat is not good. I am fat. That is all.

Edit: Oh! Fat kids. Definitely unhealthy.


But, we have to give everyone body positivity! Otherwise, its fat shaming! Even if they’re obese and killing themselves by not controlling what they eat.


genetics play a big part of it. not all of it is about a lack of self control. my old bff was over 200 pounds as a woman but ate properly, exercised, did everything she could do to lose weight. didn’t drink or eat sweets or anything else. got enough rest. still heavy set. nothing she could do about it.

Highly underrated comment.

Umm kultirin and the actual ingame models/armor is mostly very modest especially in comparison to other games.

Despite blizzard using sex appeal on both sexes for marketing and giving key lore characters vastly superior stylized models that players don’t have. And a character creator thats just barely better then runescape.

Mate you are silly.

I often wear torn pants and a shirt when just hanging in a city. Wish I could transmog my appearance to something that simple.

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This is definitely my last post regarding this.

You like never saw fat ppl several decades ago.

Were you with your BFF all the time? My friend said the same thing, “I’m not eating crap!” Found out she was hiding she was. Otherwise, Idk what to tell you. We’re not meant to be obese.


/doubt /10char

add a body weight slider to the customization options…fixed!

we now have more customization options! :grinning:

she had me join an app that showed what we were eating, how many calories it was, and how much physical activity she was doing. i logged in it too. had long convos about how important i thought small cheats were as it kept you on the straight and narrow. and how she agreed, but still ate sugar free low calorie things other than other “bad” stuff. at her job people would bring in cookies and cakes and stuff all the time and she would feel bad about not eating it and that’s how she compromised. so yes, i saw everything she ate for most of the time we were friends. she also ate small meals more often with healthier foods vs larger meals. so she didn’t get caught with feeling hungry and then cheating.

Not a lot of frumpy balding men either.

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all Kul tirans
all dwarves
all gnomes
all naga
all goblins

Sylvanas is literally the only one. The female dragon aspects walk around in metal bikinis, but they’re not “people” or women. They’re like semi-deities of a sort, & it’s not their true form.

Pandaren, Kul Tiran, Goblin, Dwarves, Blood Elf, Night Elf/Troll, Orcs and SW Human each have distinct body types that are very different from each other. What on earth are you on about?

If you want to complain about the hypersexualization of Sylvanas, we can talk about that for sure. She went from a heroic, non-sexualized female tragic hero to the waifu on the posters with a huge behind and G-cups in a video game fantasy bikini.

But seriously, Azeroth’s females as a whole (and the majority of our female leadership NPCs) are not sexualized at all. I just disagree with your premise flat-out.

You have tall, short, curvy, chubby, skinny, athletic, body builder, gymnast/swimmer…what do you need to consider it “enough?”

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they’re concern trolling. and the thread has morphed into a fat shaming thread. people do not understand genetics or how not everyone will be super thin despite working to lose weight.

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“Saw” what she ate from an app?

SO, she could put in the app she was eating a salad but secretly could have been eating a quarter pounder cheese melt?

ffs I’m never done