Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

Im sorry…but W T H is it a big deal that MEN and WOMEN are ATTRACTED to each other?
Jesus HP Christ this agenda is getting OLD!


The Bible says lust is a sin. Therefore, being attracted to someone or being attractive is bad. But the Bible also tells us to be “very fruitful”. So idk…

women are also attracted to women, and men to men. gay, bisexual and otherwise all exist and are valid. the world is not entirely one way. a woman who is not attracted to men doesn’t want to be cat called by men on the street. or to get private messages from men in game because of their bikini mogs. this isn’t rocket science.

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This is low quality bait.

If you’re attracted to pixels on a screen and not seeing the characters as fantasy (fantasy), then you should probably go and get some fresh air.

Also, if you’re trying to play this virtue game with a fantasy game made for entrainment, that includes races that are barely human, you should probably go and get some fresh air.

Go out and get some fresh air OP, this garbage thread doesn’t belong here.

Have a nice day

Marriage was more in vogue back then so procreating outside of marriage was assuming that someone was married and being unfaithful. Likely never taking into account that two unmarried people might hook up.

“Im ugly and fat, so i want every char in movies, games and any other media be as ugly and fat as i am”
Funny that no one cares about when man are portrayed as greek gods im movies, like Christopher Hemsworth on Thor or Henry Cavill in Superman.


log into a female draenei just once. run over a smack a mob. certain things in game exist specifically to do that. not everything. some things.

I think OP just needs to go to Goldshire Inn on Moon Guard…it should be enlightening.

“Arise my Champion” Me: Yes ma’am!


I dismiss someone as trolling when they are clearly trolling.

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That’s offensive…to trolls. Should call it Simileying

Why don’t you make a KT female and tell us where they are sexualized.

Please stop forcing agendas in video games where you are reaching so hard on this topic.

I swear, people today need to be wrapped in bubble wrap because they are so fragile.


There’s a kink for that.

Because its a video game and they wanted their women thicc. Go play a realism driven single player rpg if you want “realistic body standards”

OP is clearly just a drama Karen. Moving on…

You said “Karen” twice

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This is true. Though there are indeed many breeds of karen. They mutate. Though the Drama Karen is indeed the original, who likely wants to see Blizzards manager about these hawt ladies getting in the way of her fun.

If you think kul”tirans are not achievable female body standards, idk what to tell you.

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We need to cancel gnomes. I can never be that short and it offends me.

corrected that for you. I don’t care really. I would rather look at an attractive woman than a overweight ugly one who is a bit more realistic.