Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

I mean he’s right though. You are nothing but a two bit troll.


you are trolling. i am a woman and knight other women in threads all the time (look at my recent post history) but you’re a 100 post classic avatar trolling. this happens a lot on retails GD.


There’s plenty of “normal” women in the game. Women like playing attractive characters too, it’s not just for the benefit of men.

It becomes a problem when people get creepy about it, inside or outside of the game. As they say at cons, Cosplay is not consent.


This is definitely only a WoW issue for sure. I forget how every woman action movie star I’ve seen has been your normal everyday, no make up, out of shape mom type. All the female comic super heroes are always the non sexualized “everyday” woman you’d see at any grocery store, not to mention all of the pop stars that are always out of shape ladies wearing conservative clothing. This argument and type of thinking is so silly, I mean seriously…I saw on a daytime talk show ladies around a table raving about how Cardi B and Megan thee Stallion we’re empowering women with the song WAP…let that sink in.

it made men mad.

men “women should be vocal about how they enjoy that stuff as well!”

cardi b made that song

also men clutches pearls

i listen to it all the time. the song isn’t good at all (imo) but the reactions to it were hilariously hypocritical.

apparently women can’t use power over men the way men use power over women.


Sure I agree with you to an extent but there are multiple different female characters that aren’t overly sexualized. The kul tirans are fat af boi. And there ain’t no way your thinking of a vulpera like that unless your 30 and haven’t been laid yet

Well, I make my characters look as feminine and sexy as I can and I’m female. I’m not insulted by what I see in game since it’s all pixels and all I really see is my own characters on the login screen. Once I’m in game, I’m killing stuff or trying to complete quests.

If you’re playing and looking at everyone else just to try to shame people, then maybe you should find something else to do. This is a game to experience battles, death, destruction, etc… not to be a judgment by Similey to make sure we all fit her standards of modesty.

Now, off to kill stuff and get my enjoyment from my sexy little female characters.


They changed the BE’s body type in WOD. Gave us butt lifts and less floppy ears. Then they took away the gear that made our changes for the better appearance away. I paid a fortune for the Pants I have on , there is no matching set for these pants and I had to the best I could to make it happen. I do not wear (show) boots or gloves it would make the 2 pieces I have on look silly. Anyways I’m a Hippie at heart so the look suits me well. I have a bag full of fugly constraining looking gear, all trash imo. My DK has some of the best vanilla gear for transmog that was ever was made in the game. AROUSED>> LOL that is silly we all have bodies in game why not show more of them?? BTW yes I am an older female IRL…


Valeera Sanguinar is the reason my rogue was a blood elf female for a loooong time… and I’m gay. She just served that femme fatale realness that I love so much.


Too pointy. Do not want.

I miss the bouncy ears so much.


Posts on a classic toon :clown_face:

A woman could be in a potato sack and a man can still think “dirty” things.

Yeah man, let’s just go against nature.

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Slender and toned does not equal “sexualized” or “unrealistic”. Take a moment and think about the setting. If you were a woman who spent her time running around the country side and fighting monsters you too would have a slender and toned body just like many of the female characters in WoW. Different lifestyles result in different body shapes. Most modern lifestyles tend towards a pear shape figure, we just aren’t as active in today’s day and age.


Lady, you’re five years behind to complain about this.

Sylvanas - Went from bone-clad Bakini to a full set of chainmail purple armor.
Jaina - Went from Mid-rift robe to a battle-mage set that has the slightest bit of chest.
Calia - Went from a non-unique model with a partial cleavage robe, to a near-complete nun.
Tyrande - Went from a not-tattered nightgown to battle armor with a little leg above the knee.
Draka - Was dressed in traditional Frostwolf armor that was revealing on both men and women, to now clad head to toe like an armored nun.

All the women have been desexualized for the most part. Women are no longer allowed to show off their forms like men. I think its a bit unfair that an orc man can run in with just a chest harness, while a woman is demanded to cover up. But there’s no pleasing the sex-negative slacktivists.


Even females wouldn’t want to play a fat, female elf :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Nor would most people want to play a male human with Dad bod.


i have not a single sw human. i have many kt dudes though.

i also don’t like most female models at all because of how dinky and small they are. most of my toons are male. ymmv.

I am a woman and I don’t experience this.

You don’t speak for me.


Was gonna say, this exactly. And if you go beyond the lore characters, new armor has for the most part moved away from being too revealing on female player models.


Did you somehow overlook the entire Kul Tiran Allied race?


it can exist. options are good. but the fact male toons can’t also benefit is the actual problem imo. bikini mogs are fine. but not when they are only that way on female toons. like 9/10 of the metal in armor shouldn’t just disappear cuz your toon is female.