Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

I don’t see anything funny. You just choose something which gives you enjoyment. You like to pretend you’re anything other than a human? Sure.

Don’t expect others to fall in with your weird fantasy.

Then there is the “Earth Mother” in Deepholm… shudder…

I don’t think so, mate. :slight_smile:

A human trying to degrade another human for playing a human as one of their alts in a video game. I also have three alts that are night elf too. You have some of kind of superiority complex for not playing as a human in a fantasy game that is really weird dude.

You’re insulting Therazane too!? You must really hate that family to insult both daughter and mother.

What’s weird is wanting to be average Joe in a game with minotaurs, elves, trolls, and spacegoats.

There is a reason WoW got so popular on WC3 and it’s because they portray a lot of monstrous races differently than other fantasy games.

But hey, at least their escapism isn’t fantasizing about having a real world disability (dwarfism).

Guess I’m not PC. :frowning:

No it’s not weird.

This is what I never understood about Horde players for example, feeling like they one upped Alliance because they looked different.

What is weird is your insistence that you’re somehow superior for picking a pixel in a video game.

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The horde is the superior faction. Even game lore supports this as the Alliance can only ever win with the horde having internal disputes. This is canon.

Yea, I am done taking the bait.

“The Horde is the superior faction” was invented by kids who had nothing to back up such a thing. Repeat something and eventually a bunch of sheep will believe it’s true.

They’re no better than the roadside Murloc.

It’s also reflected in those “internal disputes”. It basically means the Horde characters are a bunch of kids crying over who got their ice cream and the Alliance has to come over and bail them out.

How does that feel?

Meanwhile, I want more cute things in WoW.
Won’t go out my way to ask…I like cute rather than sexy though lol.

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I bet you’re fat with purple hair

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I mean even one of the rts guides states a grunt is as strong as two-three foot soldiers.

Except you forgot that the grunt has the IQ of a baby in the womb.

Because they are literally aged children in adult bodies. At least during WC2. #thanksguldan

So basically what I said:

Show me a tubby elf in wow…

I mean there are kultiran women whom are quite large,

Also most female characters (body types) are probably because they are all seasoned adventurers/warriors and so likely very fit or had to endure great deals of stress and fighting in wars (even the mages) so likely didn’t have the luxury of engaging in gluttony.

I mean you got Croman and Flynn and generally most the guys are as “sexyalized” as the women - Sylvannas being a exception until she recently armoured up (tbh if you never got cold or needed armour you might as well try to use the male gaze to distract them while you dance around them feathering them with arrows.

Weren’t the Kul Tiran women created to represent normal women?

I’d rather be thralls horde than the racist alliance that.

Horde: orcs, trolls, dwarves all face incursion from alliance friendly npcs as early as level 5

Allianc: don’t face any horde friendly orcs, trolls, tauren until Ashenvale lvl 20s.

Alliance does however face trolls and orcs unaffiliated with the horde and try to wipe them out because “this race bad”.

Say what you want about the Horde but WC3 - WotLK… thrall’s horde (forsaken exception) define a lot of what players like about the Horde.

Don’t mistake Blizzard’s b0ner for WC2 as what the horde fan base enjoy.

Looks at Garrosh


You can’t say “Thrall’s Horde” without including the Forsaken. Nice try.

Nothing to mistake lmao.

This is the problem with Horde players. They love to dish it out to Alliance and take a dump on them but the moment you say something mean they get all up in arms and run crying to mommy as though you destroyed their house.